How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (2024)

What is a No Spend Challenge?

A no spend challenge is a fun way to stop spending and save money over a set period of time (days, weeks, months, or even a year!).

In this article you’ll learn the rules of a no spend challenge, plus learn about different types of no spend challenges such as no spend month, no spend year, no spend November, and more!

In this article:

What is a No Spend Challenge?

No Spend Challenge Rules

Examples of no spend challenges:

Here are the no spend challenge rules:

The purpose of a no spend challenge is to help you:

How long should a no spend challenge be?

No Spend Year

No Spend Month

No Spend Weekend

No Spend Days

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How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (1)

No Spend Challenge Rules

The rules of a no spend challenge are very flexible, meaning you can make the no spend challenge be whatever you want it to be!

The term “no spend” sounds like you don’t spend anything at all, which can cause some confusion with the no spend challenge rules.

Some versions of the challenge involve completely eliminating all spending besides fixed bills like rent, mortgage, and utilities. But most versions allow you to spend on necessities like groceries while eliminating spending in other categories.

Generally, the shorter the time period for your no spend challenge, the more strict the rules and categories you can’t spend on. For example, if you’re doing a no spend day, you’d probably aim to literally spend nothing for the whole day.

The longer the time period, the more focused you are on not spending in a specific category. It’s just not feasible to actually not spend *anything* for months or years at a time.

For example, if you’re doing a no spend year, you’d choose a certain category that you won’t spend in. A year long clothes buying ban is quite common.

Examples of no spend challenges:

Zero spending (literally spend on nothing)

  • obviously only works for shorter time periods because we still have bills to pay

Cut all spending except on necessities (rent, utilities, groceries, gas, medications)

  • often even these are cut back ex: try to spend less on groceries, gas & utilities

Cut spending on a specific category

  • impulse spending
  • takeout
  • clothing
  • coffee
  • shoes
  • shopping at Target
  • entertainment
  • travel
  • makeup

Here are the no spend challenge rules:


  • Eliminate all spending, or just in certain categories.
  • Barter, trade, or make things on your no spend list as long as you use what you already have!
  • Stick with essential food & medications.
  • Replace spending activities with free activities!
  • Use the money you save for a purpose like paying down debt, saving, or investing.
  • Replace something that has run out, or use up other products you have instead (ahem, makeup).
  • Prepare in advance. If you know you’re going out, bring a snack so you don’t have to cave into buying a snack when hunger strikes.
  • Get creative and have fun!


  • Do not make your no spend challenge into a delayed spending challenge. Ie: going on a shopping spree before or after your challenge
  • Don’t use the money you saved to buy something you don’t need.
  • Don’t ask other people to buy you things on your no spend list.
  • Don’t shift your spending to other categories ie: if you’re not spending on coffee out for a year, don’t just get tea instead.
  • Don’t make it so hard you won’t be able to succeed.
  • Don’t stop enjoying your life, instead, find free things to do!
  • Please don’t go to extremes for your no spend challenge. For example:
    • Don’t skip meals just to try to stick to your challenge of not spending anything for the month. If you need food, get some. Don’t risk your health to succeed in a made up challenge.
    • Don’t stop necessary medications, cancel medical appointments, or discontinue other health practices. Sure, cancel your gym membership, but don’t stop being active! There are lots of free things you can do to stay fit!
    • Don’t wear shoes that are destroying your joints or are literally falling apart just because you’re trying not to spend anything on clothing for a year.
How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (2)

Just like the zero waste movement isn’t really about literal “zero” waste, a no spend challenge isn’t about literally spending “nothing”.

The point is to do your best to drastically cut back your spending, to increase your awareness of your spending, and reevaluate what you consider a necessary expense. You’ll also likely learn new skills and hobbies that you might not have tried otherwise!

The purpose of a no spend challenge is to help you:

  • save money
  • break bad spending habits
  • use up what you have
  • help the environment
  • become more aware of yourself
  • simplify your life
  • reach a goal
  • challenge yourself
  • improve yourself
  • learn new skills
  • try new hobbies

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of a no spend challenge, lets go into different types of no spend challenges including: no spend months, no spend years, no spend weekends, & no spend days.

How long should a no spend challenge be?

The length of the challenge depends on what you want to get out of it! The longer the challenge, the harder it will be, but also the more rewarding it will be.

I’ll start by going over the no spend year, then no spend month, no spend weekend, and no spend days.

No Spend Year

Taking on a full year of no spending is a big challenge, but is sure to be a great learning experience and can even be lots of fun!

Most people who do a no spend year choose a specific category or a few categories they don’t want to spend on. Usually this revolves around a specific vice they have, like shopping, but can be for more regular things too.

Popular no spend year themes are:

  • clothing
  • books
  • entertainment
  • travel
  • shoes
  • eating out

This is a really interesting Tedx talk by Michelle McGagh, who did a no spend year. I highly recommend watching it if you’re not sure what it’s all about or want to see what it’s like.

Here are some popular books by people who followed a no spend year:

How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (3)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (4)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (5)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (6)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (7)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (8)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (9)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (10)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (11)How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (12)

No Spend Month

A no spend month is a month where you don’t spend any money besides on basic necessities of living such as paying your mortgage or rent, and utilities. It can also be a month where you choose not to spend in a specific category such as takeout, clothes, entertainment, or alcohol.

You might choose not to spend on groceries either, and just eat down your pantry, fridge, and freezer stores, or maybe just buy fresh ingredients and nothing else.

A month is probably the most common timeframe for a no spend challenge. It’s long enough that you should be able to see a significant difference in your spending habits, but not so long that you’ll really feel deprived.

How to do a no spend month

To do a no spend month, determine what you want to accomplish. Without a purpose to doing the challenge, you’re going to struggle to set rules for yourself and to follow them!

Are you trying to:

  • save more money?
  • break a bad habit?
  • challenge yourself to try something new?
  • use up what you already have?

No spend month rules

Rules for a no spend month are as simple or as complicated as you want them to be.

There is no one “no spend month challenge” that you have to follow, rather, set your own rules that help you meet your goals!

If you’ve never done one before, I recommend finding a few other people’s experiences and following in their footsteps.

You can read about my No Spend Month here.

No spend month tips

  • Do set yourself up for success. Make sure it’s not too challenging, especially if this is your first time! It should take you a little outside your comfort zone to be considered a “challenge”, but shouldn’t make you miserable.
  • Don’t make it into a delayed spending challenge. This means don’t just wait 30 days to buy that thing you really want or need. I mean, sure, waiting might give you time to realize you don’t really want or need it after all, but the point of the challenge is to spend less overall, not just change the dates when you spend.
  • Do understand the psychology of spending and plan accordingly. Decision fatigue, stress, bad habits, being unprepared, and peer pressure can all lead you to spend money you didn’t intent to.
  • Do try a collective no spend month: No spend November, No spend January, and Uber Frugal Month Challenge are all popular options! Read more below.

No spend November

No spend November is all about bucking the normal spending around the holidays and getting sucked into Black Friday sales. It’s anti-consumerism at it’s finest!

Read: Managing Black Friday as a Frugal Minimalist

It’s also a great way to save some money before the holiday season because it can still be a more expensive time of the year even if we aren’t overspending on gifts.

There’s even a popular Reddit thread on No Spend November.

No spend January

No spend January is popular for three reasons:

  1. Money goals are popular New Years resolutions
  2. So many of us feel burnt out from the excessive spending of the holidays
  3. Many people are actually broke and need to drastically cut back on spending in order to pay the credit card bills!

Whatever your reason for doing no spend January, go easy on yourself and make your goals achievable! Use the challenge as a way to rest and create new sustainable habits.

Whatever you do, don’t fall into the binge and restrict cycle of going on a spending spree then restricting your spending to try to make up for it. (ahem, this is the same as the diet culture surrounding December eating and January dieting).

We all know that restricting too much leads to lashing out and binging on whatever was being restricted. The same holds true for spending!

Uber Frugal Month Challenge

If you’re not sure how to do a no spend month, I highly recommend the Uber Frugal Month Challenge hosted by The Frugalwoods. Check it out here.

It’s a guided no spend month with daily emails including actionable steps, reflections and readings. You can start it any time, or join the live rounds hosted twice a year in January and July. There’s also a Facebook group to connect with likeminded people and get your questions answered.

I’ve actually done the Uber Frugal Month multiple times and have gotten something new out of it each time!

Read about my top 10 takeaways from doing the Uber Frugal Month Challenge.

No Spend Weekend

A weekend is a great length of time for a no spend challenge! It’s short enough that it’s totally doable without being overwhelming, but long enough that you might notice benefits to your budget. It’s similar to a no spend week, but just a bit shorter of course.

Often the weekend is when we spend a lot of our money!

Eating out, entertainment, shopping, or a weekend getaways add up much more quickly than the average weekday spending of a coffee here or there.

To get the most out of your no spend weekend, set the goal to spend nothing at all.

If you normally get groceries on Saturday or Sunday, consider excluding that from your challenge, and just buy the basic foods you need but no extras.

Or you could try skipping groceries for that week and just eat up what you have in your pantry, fridge, and freezer!

Read about doing a pantry purge.

A no spend weekend could be done when you need some extra wiggle room in your budget, or when you just feel inspired to do one.

You could also make all your weekends no-spend, or maybe every 2nd weekend or one weekend a month. The frequency is up to you!

When doing your no spend weekend I recommend actually challenging yourself to do something fun that doesn’t cost anything rather than sitting at home and feeling bored.

Over time, you’ll discover some new hobbies that are free and your spending will naturally come down a bit as you replace expensive entertainment with free activities even when you’re not doing a no spend challenge!

No Spend Days

No spend days are really fun! Since the timeline is so short, you can be quite confident you’ll be able to succeed in your goal.

No spend days are perfect for beginners or people who typically buy something every day.

I’d recommend doing a no spend day on a day that you normally have problems with overspending. For example, you could choose one weekday to not spend anything. That means no eating out, no online shopping, and maybe even no transit or parking fees! (walk, bike, or carpool to work instead)

You could choose to do a no spend day once a week to see some major changes in your finances. Imagine if you normally spend $25 per day getting to and from work, picking up a coffee, and lunch. If you did a no spend day once per week, you’d save about $1300 per year!

I’m curious, how many days can you go without spending money? Have you ever done a no spend month or even a no spend year?

by Bri | 0 comments

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How to Do a No Spend Challenge • Frugal Minimalist Kitchen (2024)


How to start a no-spend challenge? ›

Create a Goal

You'll start by deciding how long you'll cut spending. Some people start with a weekend or a week, while others embrace an entire month of zero discretionary spending. On top of setting a period for your challenge, get specific on how strict you'll be.

What is the no spend year rule? ›

It is also sometimes called a No Buy challenge or No Buy Year. Of course, you still pay your rent or mortgage, bills and food in a No Spend Year. You simply cut out any extra purchases and only focus on what you really need. Think of it as minimalism for your expenses.

How to prepare for a no buy month? ›

Make lists before hitting the store to keep spending in check. Also plan for any unavoidable purchases that may not technically fall into the "essentials" category, like gifts or celebrations. "Keep in mind any major milestones you might have to spend around like birthdays or anniversaries," Skirboll says.

What are the rules for no spend march? ›

Participants are encouraged to go on a spending “fast” by abstaining from buying anything but the barest essentials. The idea is to use the you'd spend on Starbucks and other luxuries to pay down debt, save for a vacation or reach some other financial goal.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

What are the colors for the no spend challenge? ›

Join the No Spend Challenge movement

Color each bubble green when you've avoided spending unnecessarily. Leave it blank or color it red when you slip up. If this is your first time participating in a No Spend Challenge, go easy on yourself.

What is the 24 hour rule in spending? ›

Practice the 24-Hour Rule: Before making any non-essential purchase, wait at least 24 hours. This delay allows you to reconsider whether the item is truly necessary and if it aligns with your financial goals.

What to do on a no-spend day? ›

49 Free Things to Do on a No-Spend Weekend
  • Go for a Hike.
  • Attend Free Community Events.
  • Go to Church.
  • Read a Book.
  • Do Some Landscaping.
  • Attend Free Local Art Classes.
  • Attend Locals' Day at an Art Museum or gallery.
  • Picnic in the Park.
May 1, 2023

How to prepare for a no-spend week? ›

How To Do A No-Spend Challenge
  1. Determine Your Goals. Having a goal motivates you when you feel like buying that pair of shoes or eating out that night. ...
  2. Set A Timeline For The Challenge. ...
  3. Establish Your Spending Guidelines. ...
  4. Create A Budget. ...
  5. Plan Meals, Entertainment And Other Activities. ...
  6. Track Your Progress. ...
  7. Don't Give Up.
May 2, 2023

How to accomplish a no spend month? ›

How to be Successful in a No-Spend Month, 10 Tips and Tricks
  1. Choose the right month. ...
  2. Research free activities to do in your local area. ...
  3. Put your money away to reduce the temptation. ...
  4. Get your friends and family involved. ...
  5. Remind yourself why you're committing to a no-spend month. ...
  6. Track or monitor progress.
Nov 21, 2022

What is a low buy month? ›

With a no buy period, you're only allowed to spend money on essential expenses like food, rent, transportation and healthcare. With a low buy period, you can also spend money on discretionary expenses, but you set restrictions on certain areas of spending.

How to stick to a no spend month? ›

To better hold yourself accountable for your spending this month, take a moment to really think about why you wanted to do this challenge in the first place. Write it down and keep a journal throughout the month not only tracking your savings/expenses, but also about how you feel throughout the month.

How to survive a no-spend month? ›

Well, first—don't buy it! But here's what you can do: Make a list. Write down all the stuff you come across that you think you can't live without. Then wait until your no-spend month challenge is over and come back to that list to see what you can afford and still want.

How does the no-spend challenge work? ›

The No-Spend Challenge isn't giving up all spending, again it's nonessentials. You need to pay the bills and buy important things that pop up (like groceries or school supplies, or even a new heater if yours goes out). The goal is to challenge yourself to only spend on the essentials.

How to not spend money for 2 weeks? ›

Savings Challenge: 9 Ways To Avoid Spending Money for a Week
  1. Ask Yourself Why You're Doing This Challenge. ...
  2. Plan Ahead for Routine Bills. ...
  3. Think Twice About Grocery Shopping. ...
  4. Change Up Your Routine. ...
  5. Plan for Fun Things To Do With Kids. ...
  6. Host a Potluck Party. ...
  7. Find an Accountability Partner. ...
  8. Be Prepared for an Emergency Expense.
Nov 10, 2023

How to do a no-spend month challenge? ›

For the no-spend challenge, you pay for essentials only for a set period of time. Thirty days is pretty common, so you might hear it called a no-spend month too. Basically you're covering your Four Walls (food, utilities, shelter and transportation) and other necessities, but you're saying no to all the extras.

How to succeed in the no-spend challenge? ›

How to Succeed at the 'No-Spend' Challenge
  1. Define Your Goals. Know why you're doing this. ...
  2. Set Your Rules. Decide how strict you want to be. ...
  3. Plan Ahead. Make sure you have essentials stocked up before you start. ...
  4. Get Creative. Find free ways to enjoy yourself. ...
  5. Keep Account. Track your progress to stay motivated. ...
  6. Reflect.
Mar 14, 2024

How can I have fun but not spend money? ›

To keep yourself entertained and on budget, check out these free or cheap things to do.
  1. Go to a museum, aquarium or zoo. Many aquariums, museums and zoos waive admission fees on certain days. ...
  2. Read a book. ...
  3. Catch a movie. ...
  4. Play a game inside. ...
  5. Play a game outside. ...
  6. Volunteer. ...
  7. Visit the farmers market. ...
  8. Go thrift shopping.
Jan 25, 2024


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