renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (2024)

renranram · 5 hours



renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (1)

actually going f*cking insane rn

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renranram · 1 day


i actually took these

Moodboard: Jschlatt as a boyfriend

Pictures you took of him. Part 4.

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renranram · 1 day


Could you maybe write a transmasc fic with a little spice of praise and degrading?? (There aren't enough transmasc fics 😓) you can also add your own little bedazzle to it ofc <33

Pretty Boy

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (11)


just schlatt f*cking his boyfriend with love lolsies

afab reader, mentions of top scars, calling you his handsome boy, praising, calling you his slu*t/whor*, p in v, daddy kink!

a/n; hii! okay.. erm im gonna be honest im not really great in this ff 😭 but yk i hope u enjoy it :))

you chuckle softly, getting ticklish as schlatt press kisses on your stomach, " my very very handsome boy " he whispers at you as he fixes your dark curly hair

" you're so f*cking handsome " schlatt added, cupping your cheeks, as he presses smooches all over your face, as he slowly thrusts in and out of you as you moan in reply

" ah.. jay.. " you moans softly, as he continues to kiss you while his hips rolls gently and slowly

" you take me so well baby " schlatt continues to leave trails of kisses on your cheek until it reaches your neck as he pauses, " you smell so good " schlatt smiles before pecking your neck

" i think i'm buying you more of these " he teases you, as he holds up your leg, resting it on his shoulder, deepening his thrusts as you moan

" oh my god... jay, " you whimper out, as you gasp, feeling his teeth on your skin as your firsts ball up, gripping on his covers, schlatt groans out, slapping your thigh, gentle, " f*ck.. dont tighten up slu*t "

your face flushes red, " my f*cking handsome whor* " jay mutters, as he continues to thrust, trailing his lips across your torso to put a stop as he reaches your chest

pecking on your top scars, his eyes staring at you with admiration, " i love you so much toots, im so f*cking proud of you " he smiles

as he leans back, his hand trailing on your scars, " so f*cking proud of you, so prettier with these " he added as he picks up his pace as you were a moaning mess

" i..i love you too " you hiccupped, schlatt always liked missionary, so he can admire how pretty you are, your teary eyes, your scars on your chest, your beautiful.. beautiful face

you throw your head back as he took you off guard, suddenly slamming his dick inside you again, his pace faster than ever as you were a mess under him

" ah ah ah ah oh my god- ah.. j-jay oh my god " you moan out, as schlatt grabs your hands, gently pinning you down as he mercifully continues to f*ck you dumb with his co*ck

" my f*cking pretty boy, such a f*cking whor* for my co*ck " he mutters, " does the pretty boy love his daddy so much? "

" yes, yes, oh my god, daddy yes- " you sobbed out, nodding as he plunges into your hole as if it's nothing, skin slapping, sweating and moaning fills the room

" daddy... daddy.. please.. please im about to cum " you manage to whimper out as he nods, " yeah? be a pretty one and put on a show for me alright? " he whispers

suddenly lifting you up, placing you on his lap as he places his hand on your back for support, " f*ck.. baby boy.. i think im f*cking cumming "

" ngh- ... f*ck! " you scream out, your body shuddering as you release your org*sm whilst schlatt's penetrates your hole with his sem*n, filling you up

#chuckle sammy#chuckle sandwich#fluff#jschlatt#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt x y/n#jschlatt x you#jschlatt x reader smut#jschlatt smut#jschlatt fanfic#schlatt x y/n#schlatt fanfic#schlatt x reader smut#schlatt x reader#schlatt#schlaggot#sleep deprived podcast#sleep deprived#transmasc#transmasc mlm#transmasc reader

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renranram · 1 day


i CANT stop thinking about the idea of a schlatt x camgirl reader fic

Pose for the fans

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (12)


fem!reader x loser loner pathetic schlatt

reader is a cam girl whilst schlatt is her biggest donator and fan!!

you gasps, " oh my god! user jnschlt thank you for your donation! " you clasp your hand together, " 'hi baby, here's some 500, can you lift your skirt up and show us how pretty you are? ' " the tts reads out

you giggles softly, " am i really that pretty? " you twirl your hair with your fingers as you sit on your knees, slowly, teasingly pulling up your skirt to reveal a lacey pink panties

the live chat immediately went into shambles, spamming compliments whilst schlatt, chuckles, amused, his hands already on his pants, before typing on his keyboard, ' baby, how many more to get that dild* on your pretty pink puss* hm? ' he donates as you read it

" hm.. eager aren't we? " you tease your viewers before gently picking up the pink dild*, showing it off to the camera, " i think we're too fast to be in there " she giggles softly

as you spread your legs, moving your panties to the side to reveal, your already wet and hot puss*, " is this what you guys want? " you flaunt your puss* as the chat speeds up

" f*ck.. " schlatt groans out, chuckling in amusem*nt as he slowly palms himself, " dumb f*cking whor* " he moans out, sending another donation

' jnschlt sent 1000, put a show on us baby ' the tts reads out as you gasp, " jnschlt! oh my god you're really spoiling me "

" you want a show huh? then ill give you a show " your lips form into a cheeky smile, and with a teasingly slow pace, you take off your panties, your hands playing with your folds

meanwhile schlatt lifts up his shirt and lowers his pants, his eyes stuck to the screen as if he was hypnotized, you rub yourself, moaning in pleasure, " you enjoying the show? "

the chat spams yes, ranging from compliments, degrades, and slurs, " ah f*ck " you throws your head back as you plays with your own buds, you hand slowly squeezing your breasts

schlatt groans out, impatient, but he continues to admire your body, his eyes eye f*cking the girl on his monitor

he pushes his head back as he leans his back on his seat, for a loser who has nothing to do with his life schlatt found a new obsession on some random camgirl on a random site he saw

you continue to rub your cl*t as you bite your lip, " sh*t... ", spreading your legs more to show your wet juices on your puss* as schlatt fasten his pace, grabbing a nearby lube to lube up his dick

after playing with your puss*, you enter a finger as you moan out softly, as schlatt groans, ' jnschlt donated 5000, baby, i dont have the time for this, please ' you gasp

chuckling, thinking how pathetic he is before shrugging, " fineee, you're so impatient " you giggle softly, grabbing the dild*

teasing your hole by slapping the pink silicone on your already sensitive cl*t, as you moan out, pushing the tip slowly, just to tease her viewers too

" what a f*cking whor* jesus f*cking christ " schlatt smiles, he fastens his pace as you gasp, finally entering the entire size in your puss*

" oh my god, f*ck.. i forgot this is like.. 7 inches or something " you chuckle, as you continue to thrust in and out the dild*, replying back with a moan

" f*ck.. exactly my size " schlatt mumbles, shifting on his seat as he continues to jerk himself off

" ngh f*ck.. it feels so good " you moan out, as you maintain eye contact with the camera, " it feels so good daddies "

" feels really f*cking good.. i feel so f*cking- ah.. full " you continue, " f*ck.. holy sh*t.. " schlatt moans back, fisting his dick with the palm of his hands

" what a f*cking whor*, f*cking bitch.. f*ck.. im gonna.. im gonna f*cking shove my co*ck on your puss* when i see you.. " he mutters, as his adrenaline hits and yours too as you fasten your thrusts, moaning and whimpering

" ah ah ah oh my god " you moans out, rolling your eyes back in pleasure, braindead from all the pleasure and adrenaline your getting

" f*ck... what a f*cking slu*t.. f*cking cum slu*t.. " schlatt groans out, as his precum leaks on his tip, grabbing more lube so he can lube himself up

" ah sh*t- i-im f*cking cumming " you stammer, feeling a hot pool on your stomach as you bite your lip, " f*ck.. im cumming too " schlatt mutters, acting as if he's talking to you

you continue to thrust in the silicone in your sensitive and sore puss*, f*cking your brains out as schlatt's movements follow your thrusts

and after a few thrusts, you came, shaking in pleasure as you squirt out your juices while schlatt came too, his sem*n on his monitor, covering your panting figure

#chuckle sammy#chuckle sandwich#fluff#jschlatt#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt x y/n#jschlatt x you#jschlatt x reader smut#schlatt x y/n#schlatt fanfic#schlatt x reader smut#schlatt x reader#schlatt#sleep deprived podcast#sleep deprived#jschlatt smut#jschlatt fanfic

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renranram · 1 day


Schlatt x reader w a fat ass :3333

I love big booty bitches

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (13)

fem!reader x schlatt hcs

nsfw(?) + suggestive kind of

•schlatt and his wife with .... big cheeks..

•would always make jokes about it, tease the sh*t out of you for your reaction

•would squeeze it and slap it when you guys are alone

•he probably would make it his pillow like, you're reading something then he'd just rest his head in it as if it's a pillow

•would eat you out everytime he has a chance just so he can plunge his face on your ass 😭

•like the way it jiggles whenever you walk

•would bite it ( non wilbur soot style )

•has a ' i love big booty bitches ' mug in a way of showing you off

• doesn't like it when other people talk about it

#chuckle sammy#chuckle sandwich#fluff#jschlatt#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt x y/n#jschlatt x you#jschlatt x reader smut#schlatt x y/n#schlatt fanfic#schlatt x reader smut#schlatt x reader#schlatt#sleep deprived#sleep deprived podcast

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renranram · 1 day


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we've been watching a horrific genocide for 4 months now, and your silence in complicity. ceasefire is the bare minimum, and just the beginning.

free to use, print, repost. link to images and variants

commissions for palestine

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renranram · 2 days


𐙚 || new author!!

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (18)

hello everyone! my name's ren but i also go by rei, my pronouns r she/her but im also comfortable with any prns, im 19 years old and my fixations r qsmp, quackity, schlatt, chuckle sandwich, ted nivison, charlie slimcicle and many more!!

we DO NOT support w.soot in this household, thanksies! also if u dont like my works feel free to click away! and dont be shy to send any requests :))

#sleep deprived podcast#ted nivison#chuckle sammy#jschlatt x reader smut#sleep deprived#quackity x reader#chuckle sandwich#quackity smut#alex quackity#quackity x you#quackity fanfic#quackity#qsmp fanfiction#qsmp quackity#qsmp#jschlatt x you#jschlatt smut#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt#schlatt x y/n#schlatt fanfic#schlatt x reader smut#schlatt x reader#schlatt

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renranram · 2 days


Free Palestine

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (19)

Hello everyone, I need your help please.

Haneen from Gaza has contacted me on Instagram, she needs donations to help her family evacuate. Here is her gofundme page

I know I don't have a really large following, and I've been doing my best trying to spread her donation on Instagram but to no luck. Her situation is explained in the gofundme description.

If you can't donate, please share. I would also recommend that you go on and click daily to help the Palestinian people.

#palestine#palestine will be free#free palestine#free gaza#stop genocide#stop the genocide

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renranram · 2 days


he's so pretty

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Pretty boy

#AHHHHHHHHHH#MY HUSBAND#OLGOMDHSODNAGDJDH#guys im gonna smooch him this is so unfair#HE'S SO PRETTY

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renranram · 2 days


massive age gap schlatt hcs!

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (30)

• let's say reader is 19 and schlatt's 34

• they met when reader was still 18 and schlatt was 33, the two met on reader's university because schlatt is her friend's uncle

• got along fastly

• when i say massive age gap i also meant massive, and i mean MASSIVE size difference

• would call reader doll, baby, little one

• schlatt felt it was immorally wrong to flirt with a girl half his age but went along with reader

• would rest his jaw on top of her head in a way to tease her

• would be very protective of her when talking to another boy as same age as her

• snatching you away, hugging you infront of the boy, being clingy and touchy just to show him you're his

• he wouldn't tell you, but he'll overthink and be a little insecure but reader would always reassure him that she's all his

• and during sex, he would be very VERY gentle with her, his hands on her hips, slowly guiding her with his thrusts

• calling him pretty and showering her with kisses

• " f*ck, is this okay? am i not hurting you? feels good hm? "

• " baby, you're so f*cking pretty, holy sh*t, so f*cking beautiful "

• and during aftercare, he'd spoil you, bathing you, feeding you, buying you immediately what you wanted

a/n ; feel free to send any requests :3!

#sleep deprived podcast#chuckle sammy#jschlatt x reader smut#sleep deprived#chuckle sandwich#schlatt x y/n#schlatt fanfic#schlatt x reader smut#schlatt x reader#schlatt#jschlatt x you#jschlatt smut#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt

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renranram · 2 days


why did this actually blow up watafak

Maid dress

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (31)


schlatt jerking off to reader while she's streaming, obvi inspired when j bought wenston some maid outfits and people we're calling him his sugar daddy lols

a/n ; 886 words :)

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (32)

reader flaunts herself at the camera, spinning whilst she tries on the maid outfit schlatt had bought her, " chat, do i look pretty? " she smiles as she assembles the outfit

meanwhile schlatt was on the call with her, eyes immensely focused on her live stream, " jesus f*ck, you look worse " he mutters as reader glares at him through the camera

" well, you bought this for me, so maybe it's not me who's the problem " she rolls her eyes at him as schlatt chuckles, not taking his eyes off his screen once

the two had been close friends for over a year now, meeting through, shamefully, the dsmp, the duo are very different ccs on their own, reader being more into makeup and gaming whilst schlatt's varies

ever since they first met on the server the two just sparked a connection, coming off as frenemies for the public, a banter of theirs but exactly off camera, it was a whole different story

schlatt is reader's sugar daddy

at first reader would just joke about being broke, " oh my f*cking godd it's so pretty but i dont wanna waste my money ", " that's so f*cking expensive ", " okay im broke " until schlatt got tired and actually offered her to be her sugar daddy

at first reader thought it was a joke, a silly new banter for them but nope!, every week, new parcels would arrive on the streamer's doorstep with small notes, but chat doesn't know that, chat doesn't need to know that

" fine, ill get you a new one done " he mumbles, as he scrolls through amazon, " anime french maid apron lolita fancy dress cosplay costume furry cat ear gloves socks set " he reads out the title causing reader to chuckle as they wear the stockings for the uniform

" oh it comes in pink " he added as reader smiles, " i like pink " she replies as schlatt scoffs, " of course you do "

as the girl sits down on her bed to wear the stockings, schlatt's eyes linger down on her bare thighs, enjoying the view as he leans back on his chair

" do you need something else too? " he mutters as reader gasps, " oh my gosh! you should buy me that uhm... blaire doll thing " she smiles as schlatt shakes his head, " blaire doll thing? " he repeats her, " the f*ck is that? "

reader tries to wear the collar to complete the look, " it's like a doll! " she states as she grabs her phone to show off the picture

" that's an ugly looking doll " he mutters, as he gulps, looking down at his now hard on, unironically finding reader in a whole cat maid dress... hot

" more uglier than you are " she retorts as he chuckles, " guess no more doll for you then " schlatt replies, shrugging as reader gasps, now pouting

" im kiddingggg pleaseee buy me one? " she pleads looking at the camera as her live chat speeds up, " .. f*ck.. " he groans out, not loud enough for his mic to pick up, him slowly sliding in his hand inside his shorts

" please please please " she continues, as she reads off the chat, " please jschlatt senpai " she bursts out laughing, mentally cringing as schlatt chuckles, " ..fine "

" yay! chat! we f*cking wonnn! " she celebrates as she jumps around the frame, clasping her hands together, " we're the best at this sh*t " she shrugs, smug, unaware that the man she's in a call with is already jerking off to her

" reader.., think im gonna mute for a sec, gotta do something " he mumbles as reader nods, understanding, " bet, im gonna talk with chat for a bit " she smiles, as schlatt immediately mutes himself

" f*ck.. what a f*cking whor*.. i didn't actually think she'd do a stream " schlatt chuckles, amused as he palms himself, as reader did what she said, interacting with her audience

" what a pretty slu*t holy sh*t " he chuckles, clearly amused as he bites his lip, his rough hand playing with his dick

" chat i look so pretty right? " reader asks, fixing her hair as chat spams yes, " you damn sure are " he mumbles, as he grabs the base of his co*ck, using his saliva for lube

" ah f*ck, f*cking.. so f*cking pretty " he breathes out, his body shuddering slightly as he jerks himself off, his eyes never leaving her

" f*ck.. f*ck.. " schlatt throws his head back as he leans back on his chair, fastening his pace, " stupid f*cking whor*.. "

he moans out, lifting his shirt up, as he continues to palm himself at the sight of her, he's never gonna buy her those stupid costumes again

or maybe he'll rain her with more gifts, then maybe a flight to texas so she can show everything off to him... maybe

his lashes flutter, fastening his already fast pace as he continues to moan, " stupid f*cking slu*t, .. sh*t... pretty- pretty whor* " he stammers

he can feel his precum leaking as reader talks with her chat, innocent yet suggestive, that stupid maid dress, if schlatt can immediately fly to london, he f*cking would, he'd immediately bend her over, not caring if she was streaming or not and f*ck her like some animal

" ah f*ck! " he moans loudly, his sem*n, spurting on his keyboard making a f*cking mess, " sh*t... " he groans out

maybe instead of ordering her a new costume, maybe he'll fly her out instead

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renranram · 2 days


The Founder

Off topic I went to see if there was an sdmp wiki and the top result has a page that is literally just this and nothing else

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (33)

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renranram · 3 days


Maid dress

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (34)


schlatt jerking off to reader while she's streaming, obvi inspired when j bought wenston some maid outfits and people we're calling him his sugar daddy lols

a/n ; 886 words :)

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (35)

reader flaunts herself at the camera, spinning whilst she tries on the maid outfit schlatt had bought her, " chat, do i look pretty? " she smiles as she assembles the outfit

meanwhile schlatt was on the call with her, eyes immensely focused on her live stream, " jesus f*ck, you look worse " he mutters as reader glares at him through the camera

" well, you bought this for me, so maybe it's not me who's the problem " she rolls her eyes at him as schlatt chuckles, not taking his eyes off his screen once

the two had been close friends for over a year now, meeting through, shamefully, the dsmp, the duo are very different ccs on their own, reader being more into makeup and gaming whilst schlatt's varies

ever since they first met on the server the two just sparked a connection, coming off as frenemies for the public, a banter of theirs but exactly off camera, it was a whole different story

schlatt is reader's sugar daddy

at first reader would just joke about being broke, " oh my f*cking godd it's so pretty but i dont wanna waste my money ", " that's so f*cking expensive ", " okay im broke " until schlatt got tired and actually offered her to be her sugar daddy

at first reader thought it was a joke, a silly new banter for them but nope!, every week, new parcels would arrive on the streamer's doorstep with small notes, but chat doesn't know that, chat doesn't need to know that

" fine, ill get you a new one done " he mumbles, as he scrolls through amazon, " anime french maid apron lolita fancy dress cosplay costume furry cat ear gloves socks set " he reads out the title causing reader to chuckle as they wear the stockings for the uniform

" oh it comes in pink " he added as reader smiles, " i like pink " she replies as schlatt scoffs, " of course you do "

as the girl sits down on her bed to wear the stockings, schlatt's eyes linger down on her bare thighs, enjoying the view as he leans back on his chair

" do you need something else too? " he mutters as reader gasps, " oh my gosh! you should buy me that uhm... blaire doll thing " she smiles as schlatt shakes his head, " blaire doll thing? " he repeats her, " the f*ck is that? "

reader tries to wear the collar to complete the look, " it's like a doll! " she states as she grabs her phone to show off the picture

" that's an ugly looking doll " he mutters, as he gulps, looking down at his now hard on, unironically finding reader in a whole cat maid dress... hot

" more uglier than you are " she retorts as he chuckles, " guess no more doll for you then " schlatt replies, shrugging as reader gasps, now pouting

" im kiddingggg pleaseee buy me one? " she pleads looking at the camera as her live chat speeds up, " .. f*ck.. " he groans out, not loud enough for his mic to pick up, him slowly sliding in his hand inside his shorts

" please please please " she continues, as she reads off the chat, " please jschlatt senpai " she bursts out laughing, mentally cringing as schlatt chuckles, " ..fine "

" yay! chat! we f*cking wonnn! " she celebrates as she jumps around the frame, clasping her hands together, " we're the best at this sh*t " she shrugs, smug, unaware that the man she's in a call with is already jerking off to her

" reader.., think im gonna mute for a sec, gotta do something " he mumbles as reader nods, understanding, " bet, im gonna talk with chat for a bit " she smiles, as schlatt immediately mutes himself

" f*ck.. what a f*cking whor*.. i didn't actually think she'd do a stream " schlatt chuckles, amused as he palms himself, as reader did what she said, interacting with her audience

" what a pretty slu*t holy sh*t " he chuckles, clearly amused as he bites his lip, his rough hand playing with his dick

" chat i look so pretty right? " reader asks, fixing her hair as chat spams yes, " you damn sure are " he mumbles, as he grabs the base of his co*ck, using his saliva for lube

" ah f*ck, f*cking.. so f*cking pretty " he breathes out, his body shuddering slightly as he jerks himself off, his eyes never leaving her

" f*ck.. f*ck.. " schlatt throws his head back as he leans back on his chair, fastening his pace, " stupid f*cking whor*.. "

he moans out, lifting his shirt up, as he continues to palm himself at the sight of her, he's never gonna buy her those stupid costumes again

or maybe he'll rain her with more gifts, then maybe a flight to texas so she can show everything off to him... maybe

his lashes flutter, fastening his already fast pace as he continues to moan, " stupid f*cking slu*t, .. sh*t... pretty- pretty whor* " he stammers

he can feel his precum leaking as reader talks with her chat, innocent yet suggestive, that stupid maid dress, if schlatt can immediately fly to london, he f*cking would, he'd immediately bend her over, not caring if she was streaming or not and f*ck her like some animal

" ah f*ck! " he moans loudly, his sem*n, spurting on his keyboard making a f*cking mess, " sh*t... " he groans out

maybe instead of ordering her a new costume, maybe he'll fly her out instead

#sleep deprived podcast#chuckle sammy#jschlatt x reader smut#sleep deprived#chuckle sandwich#jschlatt#schlatt fanfic#schlatt x reader#schlatt#schlatt x reader smut#schlatt x you#schlatt x y/n#jschlatt smut#jschlatt x reader#jschlatt x y/n#jschlatt x you#smut

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renranram · 3 days


Casual Pt.2

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (36)

nsfw!! kind of fluffy sex

quackity confesses, and reader replies and they have sex, yes

pt 1. is this

a/n; guys would u believe me if this i tell you this almost has 3000 words

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (37)

the next day arrives as rei just woke up late, the girl had falled asleep at 4 in the morning, waking up at 11 pm, as she steps out of her room, she notices their shared apartment was empty, alex went streaming in his studio, but leaving a bouquet and a small note on their kitchen's counter for her

reader had slept in way too late, her overthinking had kept her up all night long, forcing her to skip out on breakfast. luckily, she managed to get ready in time for lunch

she was about to walk out of her room when she noticed the rose bouquet and note on the counters in the kitchen. there was a note attached that she hoped was for her

' take all the time you need, im always here for u ( ps: i went for recording, will be back later in the evening with some food so dont cook ) - alex :]'


as the time finally arrives, schlatt came back home with a fresh take out from their favorite restaurant down the street, deftones playing on the background of their apartment

alex entered their shared apartment with a bag full of food in one hand and a freshly-poured drink in the other. deftones had been playing in the background for a while now, he isn't such a huge fan of the band, thinking their music was a bit too harsh for him but letting it slide

he then looked at the rose bouquet that was still sitting on their shared kitchen counter. the vase was full of fresh water, which showed that reader had taken good care of the flowers while he was away

" .. welcome back " reader sits up from the couch, holding the cushion's pillow as she faces him, a tad bit awkward

alex couldn't help but smile at the site of her, he was about to respond when he noticed the slightly awkward expression on her face. she looked like she actually had something she wanted to say

" uhh, something wrong? " she chuckles awkwardly as she scratches the back of her nape, " no... uh.. i think ive decided "

he raised an eyebrow as he watched her try and figure out what she was trying to say. "decided? decided what?"

he looked at her with a small smile, which was the same smile he had been wearing during their little casual talk they had before going to bed yesterday.

" .. i think.. uhm.. i think i wanna be more than casual.. " she added, " but it's just.. im kind of... scared of it " alex was pleasantly surprised by what she was saying. this was not what he had expected. but it was definitely good to hear.

"more than casual? so.... exclusive?"

he said as he slowly took a few steps forwards, placing the back of takeouts on their counter, " girlfriend boyfriend.. you know stuffs like that " she looks up at him as she gently sets the cushion down

alex froze in his tracks as she mentioned the words 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend.' he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, his cheeks turn slightly red at the thought of them being a couple.

" want us to..."

he paused for a moment, still trying to comprehend the thought. he didn't know why, but he felt a sense of excitement wash over him.

" officially go out?"

she slowly nods, " uhm.. yeah actually " she mumbles, " kiss in public, hold hands, hug, and pda stuffs.. " alex was still having a hard time processing this as he heard her list off all of the things they'd be able to do as a couple. holding hands, hugging...and publicly kissing.

" would be willing to do all of this with me?" " do you not want me to? " she mumbles, now playfully, as she chuckles softly

a chuckle escaped his lips as he saw how playfully she was acting.

"no. i want you to."

alex smiled as he was now standing right in front of her, he then leaned forward and placed his other hand on her shoulder.

" i want all of this."

he said as he looked directly into her eyes. " all of this? " she repeats, chuckling softly as she leans her head onto his neck.

"all of this."

he repeated his answer as he wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her close to him. his warm grasp covered all of her tiny frame and pulled her even closer to him.

" i want all the cutesy things, and all the intimate things. i want everything." she slowly nods, pecking his neck, " ... i love you " she mutters

alex froze once he heard her whisper those words to him. he had gotten used to her teasing and flirting, and even to a degree, them being casually committed. but this...

her saying those words was something else entirely. the way these words melted through him had his heart beating rapidly. " huh? "

" i said i love you, dummy " she repeats herself, "w-...right. you said you loved me." alex stuttered out his response as he was still struggling to grasp the words she said.

and while what she had said was the furthest thing from his expectations, he was not gonna question it. he didn't even want to say anything in response that could ruin it. instead, they both remained quiet as alex held reader close to him. the silence was deafening as he wanted to say more, and to even tell her how much he loved her as well.

The silence was deafening as reader sat back down on the couch and alex still had his arm wrapped around her

alex wanted to speak, to say more to her, or even to just comfort her with his presence but he was too terrified to spoil the moment. his silence began to extend itself, as neither of them spoke up and just left it as awkwardly as it was.

the silence lasted for a good while until alex could feel the awkwardness getting the better of him. though he didn't necessarily want to, he knew that it was best to break the silence.


he mumbled as he tried to think hard on how he was supposed to approach this situation. he wasn't sure if what he might say would be the right thing to ask or say to her right now.

"are you...are you okay?"

" im.. shy.. and uhm... flustered and overwhelmed " she mumbles, " .. you? ", alex let out a soft chuckle as he thought about her response. she was being so honest with him now. it was...cute

"yeah...i'm overwhelmed too. this is..."

he paused for a moment as he thought about the right words to say.

"this is new. and good. and something I've been wanting for a while." alex said with a small smile as he looked back into her eyes

she cant help but crack a small smile before nodding, " that's... nice.. you have me now ", "yeah. i have you now."

alex said as he tried his best to hold back any other sweet words that were about to spill out of his mouth. In the process, he also began to feel his heart beat rapidly as he held her close to him.

"and since we're together now...i'm gonna have to take better care of you." he said jokingly, as he squeezed her closer to him and pulled her head onto his chest

" alex. " she calls him out before looking at his eyes directly, " i wanna.. i wanna make love to you " she bluntly states

" want to..."

his eyes widened in response of her blunt statement as he gulped loudly. things had just been a steady back and forth between them a few moments ago with no real momentum of what was to come next.

"you want to make love?"

alex repeated those bold words back to her. he could feel the redness spread across his cheeks as she asked this question. but he didn't want to back down from it. she was everything he had been wanting, and now...she wanted this too.

" well... uhm.. uh.. we used to have casual sex.. and stuffs and uhm.. i wanna.. i wanna see if there's a difference " she mutters

alex nodded, clearly understanding her reasoning now. that's what this whole relationship was built on, after all. so why should they not take this next step and truly see whether or not it could change things for the better? he paused for a moment, taking another deep breath, as he then finally spoke up again.

"only one way to to find out then...right?"

" well.. uhm.. yeah " she mutters, before blurting out, " if you dont wanna do it it's totally fine and you can just tell- " she was cut off by lips on hers

reader didn't need to finish her sentence before alex responded, because he was already doing what he needed to do. instead of saying anything else, he just pressed his mouth against hers and started to kiss her eagerly. she immediately kisses him back as she wraps her arms around his neck.

he embraced her firmly, holding her tightly close to him as he tried to put every last bit of his emotion into the kiss. his tongue darted around hers as he made sure to truly make love to her mouth.

hus heart was beating faster than anything they had ever done before, as it was clear that they wanted this moment together. they wanted to take our relationship to this stage. their desire was undeniable.

alex didn't want the kiss to end, as he felt such an incredible amount of love for her. but he forced himself to pull away for a few seconds, just to breathe.

"i love you. i love you so much. "

he said in between short breaths as he looked back into her eyes, staring deep into them while he was still holding her. " i love you so much " she replies to him as she moans softly, her hands slowly making it up to his hair for support as she was lift up from the ground by him

he knew that his hold on her was only gonna become harder and tighter, as he lifted her off the ground completely and carried her to his bedroom. alex was still kissing her as they made their way from the living room to his bedroom. his hands had only become more attached around her waist, and he kept her elevated until they finally reached the bedroom. the very second he got through the door, he immediately slammed it behind them both.

as reader gently placed on his bed, alex stops to admire his work, " jesus f*ck.. you're so pretty mami " he mutters

" i.. f*ck.. i love you so much " he mutters as he leans down to her, cupping his cheek whilst his other hand on the bed, for support as he showers her with kisses

" you're so pretty, you're so f*cking pretty, i cant f*cking believe you're mine now " he whispers to her, as reader gets goosebumps, his hot breath hitting her neck, " i wanna make love to you.. i wanna show you how much i love you "

reader moans softly, " a-alex " she stutters, face flushed, alex pecks her cheeks before slowly leaning up to bite her earlobe, " hm? what is it mami? " he mutters

as he continues to trace kisses on the side of her neck, before slowly reaching her shoulder, " ... i love you " she blurts out again as alex chuckles

" really? why do you say that? " he continues before pausing, his hands now cupping her breasts, pecking her clothed breast

" because.. because i love you so much " she rambles as alex fixes her hair for her as he helps her to remove her shirt, " you do? "

" uh huh " she nods, maintaining eye contact with him as she bites her lip, " i love your face, your personality, how you treat everyone, .. everything "

alex pauses, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, " you're so f*cking cute, always looking so dumb " he mumbles as reader chuckles softly

" well, atleast im saying the truth " she replies, as alex removes his shirt, tossing it on the side of his room, " i love you so much, so f*cking much, ive been wanting this for years now " he confesses

" hot " she states as he bursts out chuckling as he sat next to her, lifting her by her waist as he makes her sit down on his lap

" you're hotter " he replies, before continuing to kiss her, reader didn't hesitate to kiss him back

alex places his hands on her waist, devouring her, gently, one of his hand slowly making it's way to squeeze her breast as reader moans out softly

" ah f*ck " her breath shudders, as they continue to kiss, alex unclipping her bra with his other hand, letting the bra slip down, letting her breasts out

" they're so pretty hm, so pretty like you " alex breaks the kiss as he leans down, cupping her breasts, pecking her nipple as reader throws her head back in pleasure, " holy sh*t- a-alex.. "

the man chuckles, massaging the other one as he started licking on the soft bud, swirling his tongue around it as reader winces under his touch

" wait- ah, " she moans out, " alex.. for f*cks sake- im so.. im so f*cking wet.. please baby "

the boy chuckles, letting go of her nipple with a pop, " want me to give it some love? " he smirks, slowly sliding his hands on the waistband on her shorts, helping her slip it off

" mhm, need you to touch me there " she nods as alex gasps, " f*ck... you're actually so f*cking wet, holy sh*t you weren't kidding " he chuckles, amused

" shut up " she buries her head onto his neck, embarrassed, " im sorry " he chuckles, " it's just.. f*ck..., i wanna devour you "

he slids his hand onto her panties, playing with her folds, feeling the wetness on his fingers, " ah, lex.. " she moans out, overly sensitive

" feels good hm? " he continues, slipping his finger in, feeling her heat, " yes.. ah.. f*ck.. feels so f*cking good lex, " the man continues to pump his finger inside her

slowly fastening his pace time by time, before inserting another finger in, " oh my god- alex- i love you.. i love-.. ah- i cant.. i cant f*cking take it.. please, please " she pleads, her voice, whiney

" you're really making it harder for me.. " he chuckles, sweat dripping on his forehead as he tosses his beanie, letting his hair fall, " does it feel so good?, hm, princesa? "

she nods, now braindead as he continues, " lex.. please.. please just- just put it in ahh " she shudders

" f*ck... you're so f*cking pretty " he mutters, as he kisses her, reader wraps her arm around his shoulder as alex continues to finger her hole as his other hand fumbles with his belt and zipper

he lifts her up again, taking off his pants as he palms his already hard clothed dick, " sh*t.. " he groans out

" princesa.. lay down, " he breaks the kiss as the already sensitive reader nods, slowly getting off his lap as she lays down his bed

he takes off his boxers, pumping himself as he blinks, his eyes with admiration, watching her blissed face, " f*ck.. i love you so f*cking much " he groans out as he lifts up her leg, resting it on his shoulder as he slowly inserts his dick into her hole, making reader release a loud moan

" sh*t... why the f*ck is it bigger.. " she moans out, as alex chuckles softly, " you know my dick can't magically grow some inches right " he hums as reader chuckles

he grabs her hips as he leans down, showering her face with peck and kisses as his hips does the work, slowly thrusting in and out of her, causing her to moan every thrust

" sh*t... lex.. " she groans out, " f*ck.. princesa, you're so f*cking pretty, it's f*cking insane " he continues thrusting in and out of her, his eyes, heart shaped, watching her body bounce up and down every time he thrusts inside of her

" f*ck.. i f*cking love you so f*cking much " he moans out as he fastens his pace, as readers leans in towards him as the two shares a kiss

both of their tongues dancing with eachother as every moan gives alex a motivation to fasten his already fast pace

" ah.. ah.. lex.. i love you.. i love you so much oh my god " she mumbles, moaning as her eyes roll back, " no mami, i love you more, f*cking more " the two kisses eachother

alex continues to thrust inside her as her moans getting louder and louder every second, " f*ck.. f*ck.. lex im so f*cking close.. lex oh my god "

" yeah? sh*t.. you're so f*cking tight " he can feel her squeeze under him as he fixes her hair for her, " f*ck.. i think im close too " he added

and with a few thrusts, reader reaches her climax, her eyes roll back, as she continues to moan as alex tries to reach his

" does it feel good hm? feels so f*cking good? " he asks, as reader nods, now absent minded, overwhelmed with pleasure

" yeah.. yeah.. it's so good.. m'very good " she stutters as alex's gasps, his thrusts slowly getting sloppier

" f*ck.. im gonna fill you up okay, ah- f*ck... im gonna fill you up princesa " reader nods, as finally alex reaches his climax, filling his seed inside her as he gently pulls out

" sh*t.. princesa, wow... holy f*ck " he mumbles, panting as he tries to catch his breath, " i...i f*cking love you so f*cking much " he mumbles, as reader smiles softly, " i love you too lex "

#alex quackity#quackity#quackity x y/n#quackity x you#quackity fanfic#quackity x reader#quackity smut#quackity x reader smut#proud of quackity#qsmp#qsmp fanfiction#qsmp quackity

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renranram · 4 days



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sfw ! ! also very fluffy

quackity simps for their roommate that he shares a " casual " relationship with and any finally confronts her about it

a/n ; a very long ass one shot 1500 words to be exact ( i will probably make a part 2 ) ( w/ smut ) ( haha )

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (39)

reader and alex had been roommates for a very long time, three years exactly, reader having to suddenly move in due to the pandemic.

but the two got along well, comfortable enough to be ' casual ', the two would have casual sex here and there, ' casual ' kisses, and whatever that they can label as casual.

alex chuckles, as he hits reader back with their cushion's pillow, play fighting with the girl over a banter they share, " you wanna play the game of throwing cushions, princesa? because im down for it. " he states, a devious look on his face

she continues to giggle, " nuh uh " she shakes her head, getting hit by the cushion on her face as she grabs another one to hit him on his face back

alex smirked as he got up from the couch to close the distance between them, challenging the girl more as he smiles, admiration on his face

"you sure you wanna hit me like that after I just called you a princess? " he co*cks one of his eyebrow up

" i didn't ask you to call me a princess " reader retorts as alex gasps dramatically, " you're gonna to pay for that! " he states as they continue play fighting with the pillows

she cackles as they continue play fighting until alex accidentally hits her too hard resulting to the girl falling down on the floor

" sh*t, mami, are you okay? im sorry that i hit you too hard " the man fixes his beanie, he quickly crouched down by her side, dropping the pillow from his hands, as he immediately starts looking for any injuries, worried

" no no no, im fine, it's not that serious but jeez, you're strong " she reassures him with a goofy smile on her face.

alex, of course, was still concerned though. he hated that he was the cause of her pain, even if it was just a minor bump to the head.

" i don't care if it's not that serious, you still got hurt and that's all that matters to me."

he ran the his hand through her hair and smiled at her.

"i just don't wanna hurt you, ya know?"

reader pauses, slowly nodding, " wow, caring, what? do you have a crush on me or something " she taunts him, a shared banter of theirs

"do I have a crush on you?" he asked sarcastically as he tried to look away from her pretty eyes. He didn't want her to see just how much she was making him melt inside.*

"don't be ridiculous. you're just my roommate." he mumbles, looking away, she giggles, standing up, as she yawns, stretching, " alright big q "

"you really think i have a crush on you? come on, how lame would that be, you know?" he continues on rambling, as reader plays along, shutting him up by suddenly pressing a peck to his cheek

alex's eyes went wide in surprise as reader leaned up on her toes to peck his cheek. he had expected her to give in to his teasing, but not like this. he never thought she'd actually do something that could be considered romantic.

he felt his face heat up with a blush as he cleared through his throat "oh uhm, ...hey you should actually come here for a minute..."

" huh? " she blinks, tilting her head, a habit of hers when confused as she slowly approaches him again, as she fixes her hair

alex paused to clear his throat again. was he actually going to do this? he had never actually been the one to take the initiative before. his fans were always the ones that threw themselves at him.

"umm, reader, are we actually just friends, or...something else?" he was being incredibly blunt and to the point, but there was no point in beating around the bush. he just wanted to know where they stood in their relationship.

" ... aren't we casual? " she asks, " we agreed to have casual sex, casual kisses and stuffs " she replies, " no labels? "

a slight frown forms on alex's face at that. he had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at her. they had agreed to have a casual relationship, but it didn't mean he wasn't allowed to start catching feelings for her.

"yeah, yeah, i know that, but..." he frowned again as he tried to find the right words

"what i'm asking is...why haven't we ever tried to make this casual relationship more than just casual? we've...been living together for three years now. "

reader pauses as she rubs her arm, looking away, alex knew about rei's long history of boyfriends, all, ending up sh*t after sh*t, " .. you know how i feel about these topics q.. "

"reader, i'm not them,"

" i understand that you've been burned in the past, but that doesn't mean that you can't have faith in me. i mean, we've been living together for three years already. so, i feel like that should be proof enough that i'm not like those other guys. "

" but i dont wanna hurt you- you're the only guy im comfortable enough with, if our relationship fails i dont want to lose you because of that " reader mutters, looking down, avoiding any sort of eye contact

alex paused as he thought over her answer. It made sense for her to feel that way. she has had her share of bad relationships in the past, and he couldn't blame her for trying to protect herself from that pain again.

"well, what if it doesn't fail?" he asked softly

"what if we actually work out together? are you really that worried about losing me if the two of us end up together?"

she nods, as she grabs his hand to cup her own cheek, " you're... the only thing i have.. and you're aware of that, im scared to lose you because you knew you made me, my life and everything better "

alex couldn't help but soften at that. he couldn't help but appreciate that she found him to be her only hope. her only support system. and he didn't plan on leaving her side anytime soon.

"hey look at me."

alex waited until she looked up at him again before continuing,

"even if the worst-case scenario did happen and we broke up... i promise i won't leave you alone. you won't ever have to be scared of that. "

" hm.. what if it gets awkward for the both of us? " she asks, " what if i distance myself? what will you do? you know how i deal... with stuffs like that, what if i say something mean that gets you mad and be so upset at me that you dont wanna face me ever again " she rambles

he couldn't help but chuckle at all her rambling thoughts. he couldn't deny it was a possibility. in fact, he was actually somewhat surprised she was talking about all the worst-case scenarios here

"then, i'll try my best to try looking past my emotions and forgive you." he states, a familiar smile creeping up his face

"and if the worst happens, and we can't fix things, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. "

alex squeezed her hand, a comforting gesture, "so stop worrying."

" ... you're being a goody two shoes... and i feel like im the bad guy here " she mumbles, chuckling awkwardly

"i've never had anybody call me a goody two shoes before." he said jokingly as he rubbed her back with his free hand

"but really, you're not the bad guy here. all i'm asking for is a chance. is that so much to ask?" he mutters, smiling softly at her

" i uhm.. ill think about it " she flashes him a small smile, " i think i just.. need a little time "

"sure, of course. i understand... hey..." alex paused as he squeezed her hand and looked into her beautiful eyes

"just one more thing before i let you go."

she pauses before nodding, " yeah? " she looks up at him, " can i do one thing?" he said softly as he brought his free hand up to tuck a soft strand of her hair behind her ear. he was hoping she wasn't going to stop him.

" what one thing? " she asks, mumbling, alex smiled as he gently pulled her closer to him, closing in the gap between them.

"can i..just..." he paused as he waited for her to say yes before finishing his sentence.

reader blinks rapidly, face flushing red before slowly closing her eyes, consenting him, alex didn't have to say anything else as he leaned in closer. he was finally gonna do the one thing that he should've done a lot earlier.

after all the teasing and flirting. after all the years of simply being a close friend and roommate. now was the time.

alex finally kissed reader on her lips. properly, outside of them having sex

user's face flushes red as schlatt breaks the kiss, " ... goodnight! " the girl blurts out before running to her room, flustered

#quackity#quackity x reader#quackity x you#quackity x y/n#quackity fanfic#fanfic#fluff#qsmp#alex quackity#proud of quackity#qsmp quackity#qsmp fanfiction

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renranram · 4 days


Netflix and Chill

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (40)

sfw!! very fluffy

schlatt works on his laptop while you sob over the notebook || short ff :)

a/n ; hii im a new writer pls be kind to me 😢

renranram - Tumblr blog | Tumgik (41)

" oh my f*cking god, are you actually crying? " schlatt chuckles at his girlfriend, the two was watching the notebook, reader's suggestion

" im sorry okay! but look at them! they died together! " reader continued to sob as schlatt leans in, fixing her hair as he wipes her tears that stains her cheek

" it's just-- baby, will you love me like noah did " reader suddenly faces schlatt as jay pauses, before chuckling, finding her pouty face adorable as she asks him that question

" do i need to be ryan gosling just so i can love you? " he teases her before pecking her cheek, " i already love you enough, you're like my allie " he continues on

as reader pauses, before continuing to sob, tackling schlatt for a tight hug, " i love you so much! " she sniffles as schlatt responds with a pat on her back

" i love you more, doll " jay replies as he continues to shower her with pecks and kisses all over her face

#schlatt fanfic#sleep deprived podcast#chuckle sammy#chuckle sandwich#jschlatt#jschlatt x reader#schlatt x reader#schlatt#fluff#shorts

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.