We All Need a Hero - Chapter 3 - Ibis_Cus (2024)

Chapter Text

Smell of grease and fried egg filled the air. A smell also known as : breakfast.

Two out of the three family members were currently in the kitchen.
One was by the sink drying up a now clean frying pan.
The other was sat at the kitchen island slowly picking food from the plate before him.

« – I can't believe you got me up so early. He groaned, the other rolling his eyes at the dramatic gesture, but kept silent knowing it wasn't just the end of it.

– It's been so long since I actually ever had to wake up and have breakfast this early, I think I'm gonna have a tummy ache.

– You poor baby. He stopped for a second examining his work, before deeming that pan was dried correctly. I'm sure you'll get over it. He then put the pan away in the bottom drawer it belonged to. George huffed, now only pocking his food with his fork.

– Where's your daughter anyway? I swear I saw her in our bed tonight.

Dream sat down in front of his husband, trying to find an answer to that question.

– I don't think I saw her with us when I woke up actually.

– But how, wasn't the door locked?

– Maybe you just had hallucinations. Maybe we ought to get you checked up for schizophrenia grandpa.

– Screw you, we're the same age. Anyway. I did not hallucinate! She was by the end of the bed, right between us in the crook of the cover.

– I think I went up to piss at some point last night? But I didn't see her when I got back.

– She probably got scared when you got up and you were to sleepy to notice her. One judgmental look later and he added : You poor excuse of a father.

– Oh screw you. I love my daughter very much, and you know that.

– I know. Otherwise you wouldn't have bought her her very own expensive velvety sofa, or a stupidly as-much-expensive water fountain.
He grumbled.

– The way that thing runs day and night got to be showing up on our electricity bill. I got to check it out sometime.

Dream didn't really understand why he would bring that up. Because first of all, he wasn't the one paying the bills, second of all they litteraly made enough money to not have to worry about a stupid bill.

– Who cares about the electric bill, I literally have electric powers anyway! I could easily provide for our house anyway. If not the whole neighborhood, he spoke bitterly.

– Yeah but this would look highly suspicious. A house that doesn't require electricity? They didn't even made that in the eighteenth century. Just think for a minute, you can't risk jacksh*t now that you ran that, triple life thingy.

– You're serious right now?

– Eh, if it can help healing your pride a little, your stupid powers are pretty useful to us. I mean, they're the one who provide for the lab and the HQ.

– Those are the same room anyway.

– Yeah but it sounds much less cooler. He finished his last bite food.

– I'm trying to back you up here, work with me. He said, accusingly pointing his fork at the other man.

Just as Dream was about to bit back at him with a snarky comment, a small presence decided to make themselves aware with a soft sound which immediately reached both of their ears. Both turned over the sound quickly, a gasp piercing through the air.

« – There she is! Come here baby!

– Piss off she's my kid, you'd said so yourself.

– Yes, but I'm her favorite. Ain't that right Patchy? He picked her up, rubbing her against his face. All she did in response was a small "meow".

– You should just be mine at this point, because share custody clearly doesn't work anymore.

– What I literally spoil her so much, I'm clearly the one who loves her most. Good job saying that to the judge sucker.

– She's old enough to make her own choice. She's such a smart girl. Yes, you are !

Even though they were having a "serious" conversation, he just kept swooning over his cat.

– Well, I don't know when we even decided to do share custody because she belongs to me anyway. It's my name on those adoption papers.
His tone was exactly like the one a rapper would have at the end of their inspiring speech, which was so good they dropped the mic in a cartoony manner right after.

– Yeah and you made me marry you so I got your name too idiot. What you gonna do now smart mouth? He was challenging him, provoking him a fierce look on his face.

– It's okay Georgie you can be my pet if you want to, I wouldn't mind.

He expertly used a faux lovey tone of voice to deceive him. Which evidently worked seeing pink starting to catch up on the other's face.

– What?

– I mean, if you really look at it, you kind of are already. I take care of you, I give you love and affection. I feed you, I clean up after you, I entertain you... So I wouldn't mind keep on going on but with more of an official title you know. »

The brunet didn't bother answering, too flustered and embarrassed to come with something. It wasn't his fault his cooking wasn't good. Some people just weren't made for it.
Sure he was a bit messy but he knew how to make an organized mess. And could Dream really blame him because he was asking for love from the man he married.

Dream, laughed. Taking advantage of the other demise, he picked up his empty plate to shove into the dishwasher. He evaluated the quantity inside and decided it wasn't worth running it yet. Once all of that done, he turned back to George with a smile.

He went back to the kitchen island, not sitting down, but leaning down, his head resting on his hand, propped up by his elbow. He sighed a dramatic sigh and leaned his head to the side with his eyes closed tragically.

« – I guess that's what love is all about. They were right about marriage too, it's truly a wonderful thing. Oh to be blessed and cherished by the gracious Eros.

– Well I'm about to pull an Aphrodite on you if you bring back that Percy Jackson phase of yours.

– As if Harry Potter is so much better. He grumbled.

– I'm literally packing my things and going to live with my mom.

– Fine I don't care! I'll have Patches anyway.

– No because I'm taking her.

– You're not.

– Try me. »

George held a struggling patches close to his chest, standing up from his seat. Dream smirked at him all while matching his position – although minus the cat – from the other side of the counter. Both shared a defying glare, tempting on one another. Yet not one of them moving a muscle.

Then all of a sudden in the speed of light Dream jumped across the island, his body sliding easily on its polished fake marble surface, barely giving the brunet enough time to react before he was picking him up, encaging him in a bear hug. All he had time to do was scream in fear, dropping the poor cat in his fright.

« – Well you're not going nowhere now.

– I hate so much let me go you absolute idiot!

– No, I don't think I will.

– Ugh, fine. You'd probably be completely lost without me anyway.

– I actually would. It's nice to see you care Georgie.

– Don't get your hopes up, I don't care about you, it would just look bad on my heaven application.

– “Heaven application?” Dream burst out laughing at that.

– Yeah, piss off. I'm not going to rot in hell with you, loser.

– You married a man already, you really think you gonna get into heaven?

– Yeah, that's why I'm seeking accelerated redemption. You already screwed me over when I was living, I won't let you poursue me into eternal rest.

– Oh, I'm sure, I'm sure.

– Whatever idiot... »

And then they just sat in silence. It was something they did a lot. Just existing in each other's presence. And they were quite content in doing just that.

« – Say, you've been hitting the gym of something?

– Why do you ask?

– I don't know, you just feel a bit heavier than usual.

– Wow. Good job calling me fat. He spat bitterly, feigning hurt and nonchalance.

Upon realization, Dream face dropped and he started stuttering and sputtering, trying to find a way out of the hole he had just dugg himself into.

– I would never! It's just that it seems you gained some muscles. Like genuinely when was the last time you like, asked me to open a jar for you or something like that.

– Well maybe I'm just tired of being dependant on you.

– Eh, good for you. You could be my guard at the parade I bet.

– Sure, how much do you pay.

– One shared night for one afternoon in the safety of your presence. He sang propping his husband higher in his arms in order to lodge himself in the crook of his husband

– Ew! Let me down right now you perv. You'll have to at some point anyway.

– I guess the deal is off then? » He said pathetically.

He then let go of the other, now a flustered mess and made sure he wouldn't tumble over from the sudden movement.

« – Too bad, I would have really liked it.

– Yeah, yeah. Go take a shower first then maybe you'd get some.

– Are you saying I stink?

– Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing dreamy-poo. » He ended the discussion with a smug face.

Dream muttered a small "okay then" before kissing the top of his husband's head and heading upstairs to the bathroom.

George realized maybe he shouldn't have sent Dream off because he also needed the bathroom.
Hopefully Dream wasn't using the bathroom connected to their shared bedroom because that's exactly where he keeps his stuff.
Well, worse case scenario he'd screw drive that lock, it's not like he's never seen his own husband naked. – or vice versa.

But it probably would be better to ask first. So just that he did.

Turns out he got lucky, Dream was indeed using the bedroom's bathroom but when he called for the latter he wasn't in the shower yet. Which meant George was still able to get inside the room to collect his stuff before Dream shooed him out of the place once the steam started to fill in the room.

He couldn't blame him, waiting for the shower to heat up was already too long of a process, so when it finally reaches the perfect temperature who would even want to keep on waiting any longer? Yeah, nobody.

Only after their bathroom business were done for, is when Dream realized how much time they still had left to to kill.

He sat on the couch, staring forward, just thinking about multiple thing at once. It actually was one of the things he does best. He guesses he could just scroll on his phone or turn on the TV, try to catch on with the daily news. That way maybe he can properly organize his day?

But his thoughtful planning and boredom got abruptly cut out by an eager Patches jumping on his laps.

Obviously he immediately cooed at her and drowned her in love and affection. She started purring but wasn't quite resting yet, on the contrary she was vividly meowing.
From her demeanor he understood that the little miss was in fact hungry. He got up and headed to the kitchen, the cat immediately catching on, rushing after him.

When she was all settled to eat her spoiled princess food, Dream left for the living room again, where he's pretty sure he had left his phone on the coffee table. – And he was partially right. He did left his phone in his living, only was it not the small table before the couch where he forgot his phone, but the couch itself.

He picked it up and sat down where it once sat. He let his head fall down against the head rest of the couch, staying in that position for a second or so before he sat back up. He should probably turn the TV on, at least have some background noise. It'll make the house feel less empty.
Even if George was still up there in their bedroom doing god knows what. Plus he could catch up on the news, and do just what he planned right before. Boom, perfect plan.

There was only one flaw in his "perfect plan". The remote was all the way across the room, on the small TV stand, which itself was below the wall mounted vision box.
It was fine. Here's the perk of having stupidly pricey sh*t, you could afford to lose the remote. Why? Because he could stay lazy as long as he wanted for his phone had an application directly connected to the TV which worked the exact same as a materialized remote.

When they bought it he found it stupidly unnecessary. This kind of option was only for obnoxious snobs who couldn't bother to pickup after themselves, or even care at all.
But the TV had a very good image quality and it cost what it worthed so they went for it.

Would pulling the app out on his phone right now would make him an obnoxious snob? No it would not. Because it was one time, at 6:30 A.M He had a good excuse.

It's not like he was gonna flaunt around bragging about his trendy TV with all its included options and brand new technology.
He bet that even if he did so anyway, he'd looked stupid. For more reason than one, because for instance he's sure Bad would be one step ahead of him already.

Did the man had an even more expensive gadget? No he did not. Instead he had unique powers of goddamn creation. He could afford to lose as many remotes as he wanted without even spending a penny. Honestly the universe got lucky it was Bad who ended up with those powers because most people would have used it for pure greediness and selfishness like creating tone of money, weapons, nuclear energy, try and rule over the world... all those crazy stuff! But that would only result in absolute chaos. Eh, probably because that's exactly what those power were about. They were angelic and demonic power after all.

And so with this very good thinking Dream turned on his phone, being greeted by a picture of Patches. He put in the code, and he got greeted by yet another picture. This time it was a photo from their wedding day, the traditional photo of the groom and bride with all of their immediate family. They cheated a little bit and invited their close friends too. Just Bad and Sapnap. Dream loved that photo because everyone he cared about was right there. Except Patches. That's why she had the whole lockscreen dedicated to her.

Dream swept right twice, looking for the app and finally clicking on it once found. He accepted the stupid conditions notification popping on the screen completely blocking any visibility and pressed the power button. He watched as the TV turned on with a little noise. He looked for their box, which included a much more interesting channel than the device did on its own.

Once properly connected he went to channel number 6, the usual woman reporter being here.

Her name was Gia, she excelled in her field. She never stuttered, or got anything wrong. She stated pure fact without ever adding her opinion to it. Just a reporter should do. It wasn't a political channel, all they were meant to do was hand out the news from around the world, including the local one. So it was nice to see someone respecting that mediatic rule so well. But she was also known as the woman who was once Doctor and Captain Puffy's best friend.

However she always made it very clear she would not let her interfere with her career. She build her own legacy by herself, and the world didn't need to know about her past or ongoing relationship with this or that. If they couldn't make their own opinion about her based on herself alone then they didn't deserve her. Simple as that.

Unfortunately Dream had caught her mid sentence so he had no idea what she was talking about as of now.
He figured his next best option was looking for the sub text scrolling on the white and red lines at the bottom of the screen.
Dream always thought the color of the mediatic corporation fit them well. It looked very fancy and professional just like the rest of their public image. Just look at their stylish head reporter. Don't get any wrong idea, but if you knew her you'd just have to admit she's gorgeous stylished and, just as mentioned before, very much so dedicated to her job.

Anyway, right now she was just talking about yet another financial conflict. Some pointless fight over wheat delivery fee between Snow Chester up north, and Kinoko to the East. Kinoko was the one exporting and he guesses they just wanted to make some money. Afterall they had some debt they owed to L'manberg. It made sense why they would up their prices by 2%. They were already doing charity work by the price he saw they offered to SnowChester before.
Wow he became such an adult, getting so invested in a financial conflict. Like actually giving arguments and stuff, trying to understand and take a stand in the debate.

He sighed. He guessed it did take occupy some of his time. But a wheat war wouldn't be entertaining forever. Not to mention George would just get bored once he'll come downstairs. So he stopped paying attention to the tv, turning the volume down to ten. In this household they only allowed volume digits that ended in zero or five.

He went on his phone instead, logging on Twitter under his "professional" account : XD

He looked at some fanarts the fan made of him, funny tweets, crazy theories, random clips from his last stream getting spread around and edits of his last video play : Minecraft manhunt. He was pretty proud of this format of video. He was as skilled at the game than he was irl. So he thinks he has a right to sin. Guess George was right after all, he might be going straight downward.

He laughed at remembering his husband's antics. He was such an idiot. An "heaven application"... Gods.
But he loved that idiot so maybe he was an idiot too.

Yet, Speak of the devil and he shall rise.

Dream threw a quickly glance behind him upon hearing the stairs creaking with each step of the person it had to support the weight of on its own steps.

He quickly spotted his husband going down, and turned back to his phone waiting for the man to reach the spot next to him on the couch. It took a couple seconds but he finally made it. He let out a big sigh before allowing himself to fall into the couch, his head falling right on Dream's lap in a non hurtful and mastered way. Dream laughed softly caressing the brown curls in his reach, before getting his attention back to his phone.

George looked at what was playing on the screen, and just as Dream predicted, the man quickly got bored. He don't think they were still talking about taxes but it must have been something as equally as boring on a George's scale anywho.

Then he decided Dream was a much better view.
Though his eyes were on the screen in hands, he still noticed the stare he got from George since his phone was right above his head. Therefore Dream could slightly see him in his peripheral vision.

He drifted his attention at him, still smiling.

« – Hi.
– Hi. »

George cut short to the conversation with a yawn and a good stretch. Afterwards he readjusted his position on Dream to just stare at the wall managing to completely dismiss the TV.

« – When are the boys coming over again?

– Uhm, 9:30 I think. Then we go get lunch by 11:30 to make sure we're on time, remember? We're going to Ponk's table downton.

– Yeah I remember. I like that place, the owner is really nice.

– Didn't you fetch is number too?

– Why, Jealous?

– No. Yes, yes he was.

– It's okay you big baby. You're the only one I'd ever want.

– Good.

I would hope so. But the words were left unsaid. He didn't want George to see this terrible side of him. Pride and jealousy. He was on a roll today, what was up with him. It probably was the stress today's held.

– Well, we got... around two hours and twenty minutes before they arrive.

Wow, his husband was so smart, calculating so quickly and everything. That's lot of time. And here come the usual George sass.

– We could clean the house, or binge a serie.

– We cleaned yesterday.

Well Dream cleaned actually. He always did most of the cleaning but George still had his share, which he had to do, no questions asked. Unless he was sick or hurt obviously. He wasn't a sick twisted monster... But he wasn't an easy goer either.

– Then what do you wanna do?

– I want to watch Better Call Saul.

– Again? You know we won't be able to watch it all in only two hours and four minutes? »

But yet he didn't wait for an answer as he was already picturing his love's pleading, awfully cute, face.

While he was picking up his phone to log onto Netflix, he heard a small "yay". It was unimaginably adorable he had to say.

He played the first episode and all while it's duration the couple cuddled into each other enjoying the moment. Midway through Patches decided to join them. Now they were one small but happy family on a Sunday morning.

Life was just too good to be true. He wished it could just stay just like that forever. But there was work to be done he fears.

We All Need a Hero - Chapter 3 - Ibis_Cus (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.