11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (2024)

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality tours are revolutionizing property showcasing, providing immersive experiences that attract serious buyers and appeal to a tech-savvy audience, thus saving time and enhancing lead quality​​.
  • The use of AI in personalized marketing will enable real estate professionals to efficiently target potential buyers through tailored content, optimizing marketing efforts and improving conversion rates​​.
  • Emphasizing sustainability in real estate marketing resonates with eco-conscious buyers, with a focus on energy-efficient properties and community attributes enhancing property appeal​​.
  • Content marketing, particularly through engaging video content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, is becoming increasingly central in real estate, building trust and effectively showcasing properties and market insights​​.
  • Nearly 80% of active listing agents use drone photography and videography to market their listings.

    Real estate agents, with your days already packed managing listings, organizing showings, negotiating deals, and scouting for fresh business prospects, 2024 is shaping up to be quite demanding.

    Rising property prices are causing increasing concern among both sellers and buyers. Though adding marketing strategies to your already busy schedule might appear overwhelming, it's essential for generating leads. Don't worry, we're here to assist!

    We'll explore the top marketing trends in real estate for 2024, trends that promise to attract new clients and close more deals.

    Meet Our Experts

    Our team comprises industry-leading experts in fields ranging from design and marketing to growth strategies, each bringing a wealth of experience and unparalleled knowledge to the table.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (1)

    MarketSplash & Empact Partners Founder

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (2)

    MarketSplash Chief Editor

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (3)

    Inbound Growth Consultant

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (4)

    Operations & HR Manager

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (5)

    Inbound Growth Consultant

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (6)

    MarketSplash & Empact Partners Founder

    Vlad is a founder of MarketSplash and its parent company Empact Partners. Vlad is a serial entrepreneur & SaaS founder with 10+ years of experience in the tech industry. Vlad is deeply passionate about digital publishing, software, and growth marketing.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (7)

    MarketSplash Chief Editor

    Shanal, the Chief Editor at MarketSplash has diverse experience in content strategy and digital publishing. Her skills extend to integrating AI tools, managing social media, and navigating affiliate partnerships, reflecting her deep passion for the tech and publishing sectors. She is passionate about writing, research, and innovative tools in the marketing niche.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (8)

    Inbound Growth Consultant

    Juxhina is a content creator, editor, and researcher. She has an MSc degree in Communication Science from the University of Vienna and 10+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is passionate about startups, SEO marketing, content creation, art, and photography.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (9)

    Operations & HR Manager

    Jini Reddy is an experienced professional who excels in Psychology, Project Management, Finance, and HR. Known for her excellent, conflict resolution and communication skills, she creates a positive, collaborative work environment at Empat Partners. She is skilled in balancing diverse organizational roles, while emphasizing operational efficiency and employee well-being.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (10)

    Inbound Growth Consultant

    Sharné is an artist, digital designer, researcher, and informal educator by training. She has 5+ years' experience in the SaaS industry as a Product Marketing Manager and Head of Customer Support. She supports a handful of remarkable SaaS brands in achieving sustainable business growth through targeted online content.

  • Trend 1: VR And AR Tours
  • Trend 2: AI For Personalized Marketing
  • Trend 3: Sustainable Real Estate Marketing
  • Trend 4: Blockchain For Transparency And Security
  • Trend 5: Voice Search Optimization
  • Trend 6: Localized Marketing And Community Engagement
  • Trend 7: Chatbots For 24/7 Customer Support
  • Trend 8: Short-Form Video
  • Trend 9: Personalization And Customer Data Privacy
  • Trend 10: Content Marketing
  • Trend 11: Social Media Marketing
  • FAQs
  • Future Insights
  • Trend 1: VR And AR Tours

    The real estate marketing landscape is being revolutionized by the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) for property viewings.

    While traditional 360-degree virtual tours are now fairly common, VR and AR technologies elevate these experiences significantly. Looking ahead to 2024, it's likely that VR tours will become a standard feature in property listings.

    Globally, the number of AR & VR market users is projectedto reach 6,768.0 million by 2027.

    These immersive tours enable potential buyers to virtually walk through a property from anywhere, thoroughly inspecting each part of the home.

    This convenience saves time and also improves the caliber of leads. Prospective buyers who utilize VR tours tend to be more committed in their property search.

    Examples Of VR And AR Tours:

    • Virtual Walkthroughs in VR: These tours allow users to put on a VR headset and virtually walk through a property. They can look around each room as if they were there in person, getting a realistic sense of the space, layout, and design features.
    • AR Furniture Placement: Augmented Reality apps enable users to visualize how their own furniture would look in a property. By pointing their device's camera at a room, they can see a live overlay of their furniture in the space, helping them gauge fit and aesthetics.
    • Interactive 3D Floor Plans: Unlike static floor plans, these VR/AR experiences let users explore a 3D model of the property. They can virtually move between floors, view rooms from different angles, and even manipulate elements like lighting.
    • Virtual Renovation Tours: Using VR, potential buyers can see what a property would look like after renovations. This is particularly useful for properties that need work, helping buyers visualize the potential beyond the current state.

    Property tours in virtual reality (VR) can be accessed using various devices such as VR headsets, mobile devices, or desktop computers, which makes them available to a diverse audience. Real estate experts utilizing this technology gain a considerable edge in appealing to buyers who are adept with technology.

    Conversely, augmented reality (AR) superimposes digital data onto the real world. This feature enables buyers to view extra information about a property while they are physically exploring it.

    Styled Table

    VR Vs AR

    Feature Virtual Reality (VR) Augmented Reality (AR)
    Definition Completely takes over your vision to give the impression that you're somewhere else. Adds to your vision, overlaying digital content onto the real world.
    Display Type Opaque, blocking out surroundings. Transparent, allowing you to see your environment.
    Examples Meta Quest 2, Valve Index, PlayStation VR 2. Microsoft HoloLens, Google Glass, AR apps like Pokemon Go.
    Experience Replaces your physical environment with a virtual one. Projects images or information over what you see in the real world.
    Use Cases Games, virtual tours, immersive videos. Navigation, information overlay, interactive games.
    Technology Headsets with LCD or OLED panels. Smart glasses or smartphone cameras and displays.
    Price Point More affordable and consumer-ready. Generally expensive and less available as consumer products.
    Mixed Reality Incorporates AR aspects like outward-facing cameras for a mixed experience. Can be part of mixed reality experiences in devices like Meta Quest Pro.
    Future Prospects Will continue to blend with AR for mixed reality experiences. Expected to become more consumer-friendly as technology advances.

    Scott Belsky, Chief Product Officer at Adobe, discussed the practical applications of AR everyday situations.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (11)

    Well, we believe that augmented reality is one of those new mediums that could be as big as if not bigger than the web. One of the areas where consumers adopt something new is when it makes something drastically easier. When I think about augmented reality, I think about instances like finding your way somewhere, finding your friends in a stadium, or going to a conference and looking around and knowing who everyone is because their LinkedIn profile is hanging over their heads…

    This illustrates the ease and convenience AR can bring to various aspects of life​​.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are rapidly evolving trends that are having a significant impact on how brands interact with consumers.

    Trend 2: AI For Personalized Marketing

    In 2024, AI is revolutionizing real estate marketing. AI-powered tools enable real estate agents to develop highly customized marketing strategies.

    Through machine learning, these tools can sift through large datasets to pinpoint specific preferences, search patterns, and demographic profiles of potential buyers.

    61.4%of marketing professionals have incorporated AI into their marketing efforts.

    This knowledge allows for the creation of bespoke content, ranging from tailored property suggestions to personalized email campaigns.

    AI also streamlines repetitive tasks such as lead nurturing, allowing agents to concentrate more on forging significant connections with their clients. The outcome is a more effective marketing approach with improved conversion rates.

    Examples Of AI For Personalized Marketing:

    • Predictive Analytics for Buyer Preferences: AI can analyze past behavior, market trends, and user interactions to predict which properties a buyer might be interested in. This helps in sending targeted property listings that match their preferences.
    • Chatbots for Instant Communication: AI-driven chatbots can interact with potential clients on websites or social media platforms, providing instant responses to queries and capturing lead information for personalized follow-ups.
    • Email Marketing Automation: AI can segment email lists based on user behavior and preferences, enabling real estate agents to send personalized email content. This increases engagement by ensuring recipients receive relevant information.
    • Dynamic Website Content: Websites equipped with AI can alter the content displayed to a visitor based on their browsing history or demographic data, showing them properties and information most relevant to their interests.
    Interactive Infographic


    AI in marketing has significantly boosted efficiency and personalization, leading to more effective and cost-efficient strategies.


    This innovation is reshaping marketing roles towards data analysis and raising crucial ethical and privacy concerns.

    Future Trends

    Expect continued advancement in personalized marketing, ethical AI use, and integration of AI across all marketing channels for more holistic strategies.

    The integration of AI in marketing not only streamlines various processes but also provides deeper insights into consumer behavior, enabling more effective and targeted marketing strategies.

    Raja Rajamannar,Chief Marketing & Communications Officer of Mastercard, emphasizes the role of AI in creating and adapting marketing campaigns rapidly, allowing for real-time adjustments and a stronger connection to business outcomes.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (12)

    AI is probably going to be the single biggest disruptor and enabler of marketing in total. It’s a dream come true, from a marketer’s perspective.

    Raja Rajamannar

    Chief Marketing & Communications Officer of Mastercard

    Source: Beet.TV

    Rajamannar's insights reflect a broader shift in the marketing industry towards a more data-driven, AI-integrated approach.

    This shift promises to make marketing more responsive, efficient, and closely tied to business performance, albeit demanding a new set of skills and understanding from marketing professionals​​​​​​.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: Embracing AI in marketing is no longer optional but essential. The key is to balance innovative personalization with ethical data use, ensuring a future where AI not only drives business success but also enhances customer trust and experience.

    Trend 3: Sustainable Real Estate Marketing

    Sustainability has evolved from a trendy concept to a fundamental lifestyle choice. As we move into 2024, the trend of eco-awareness is increasingly shaping real estate marketing.

    46% of individuals claim they put maximum effort to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

    There's a growing demand among buyers for homes that are both energy-efficient and gentle on the environment.

    Real estate agents who emphasize green features like energy-saving appliances, solar panels, intelligent home systems, and environmentally sustainable construction materials will stand out in the competitive marketplace.

    Examples Of Sustainable Real Estate Marketing:

    • Highlighting Energy-Efficient Features: Marketing materials that emphasize energy-efficient aspects of properties, such as LED lighting, high-efficiency HVAC systems, and Energy Star-rated appliances, attract eco-conscious buyers.
    • Promoting Green Certifications: Properties with green certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or Energy Star ratings can be highlighted in marketing campaigns to showcase their sustainability credentials.
    • Virtual Property Tours: Utilizing virtual tours reduces the need for physical travel, lowering the carbon footprint associated with property viewings and appealing to environmentally conscious clients.
    • Eco-Friendly Renovations and Upgrades: Showcasing properties that have undergone eco-friendly renovations, such as the installation of solar panels or the use of sustainable materials, can be a key selling point.

    Technological Advancements

    Continued innovation will lead to more efficient and cheaper renewable energy technologies, making them more accessible and effective.

    Integration of Energy Systems

    There will be a greater focus on integrating various renewable sources, storage solutions, and smart grids to create more resilient and efficient energy systems.

    Decentralization of Energy Production

    The future may see a shift towards more localized, decentralized energy production, empowering communities and individuals.

    Click the buttons to navigate through the slides!

    Phil Harding, a prominent advocate for sustainability, asserts that achieving environmental sustainability is vital for both economic stability and social cohesion.

    His statement highlights the critical importance of integrating environmental considerations into all facets of business and societal planning.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (13)

    Without environmental sustainability, economic stability and social cohesion cannot be achieved.

    Phil Harding


    Source: The Impact Investor

    Marketing sustainability encompasses more than just the properties; it includes the communities and neighborhoods they are part of.

    Highlighting local green spaces, accessible public transport, and eco-conscious local businesses can significantly increase the attractiveness of a property and its environment.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: Real estate marketing professionals recognize that sustainability is an all-encompassing idea.

    It involves integrating the principles of eco-friendliness into every facet of life, encompassing both the property and the surrounding community. They employ creative marketing methods to effectively convey this sustainable vision.

    Trend 4: Blockchain For Transparency And Security

    Blockchain technology is gradually integrating into the real estate sector, offering enhanced transparency and security in property dealings.

    It is projected that by 2026, the worldwide market for blockchain technology will surpass$67 billion.

    This technology simplifies the purchasing process, minimizes fraud, and offers a reliable method for maintaining and authenticating property documentation.

    In 2024, an increasing number of real estate experts are expected to utilize the benefits of blockchain to bolster trust among buyers and sellers.

    Examples Of Blockchain:

    • Cryptocurrencies: The most well-known application of blockchain is in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. These digital currencies use blockchain for secure and decentralized financial transactions.
    • Smart Contracts: Platforms like Ethereum allow for the creation of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into lines of code, ensuring transparency and reducing the need for intermediaries.
    • Supply Chain Management: Blockchain provides transparent tracking of products and materials, which is invaluable in supply chain management. It helps in verifying the authenticity of products and tracking their journey from manufacturer to end consumer.
    • Voting Systems: Blockchain can be used to create secure and transparent digital voting systems, reducing the risk of fraud and making it easier to accurately tally votes.
    Attitude Of Executives Toward Blockchain Technology

    Perianne Boring, Founder & President of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, notes the transformative potential of blockchain technology.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (14)

    Blockchain technology has such a wide range of transformational use cases, from recreating the plumbing of Wall Street to creating financial sovereignty in the farthest regions of the world.

    Perianne Boring

    Founder & President, Chamber of Digital Commerce

    Source: Crypto Altruism

    She suggests it can revolutionize various sectors, from altering the infrastructure of Wall Street to fostering financial sovereignty in remote parts of the world.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: Staying informed and adaptable in the face of these blockchain and cryptocurrency trends is essential for future success and competitiveness.

    Trend 5: Voice Search Optimization

    Voice search is gaining momentum and is anticipated to be a key component in digital marketing tactics in 2024.

    With the growing prevalence of smart speakers and voice assistants, tailoring content for voice search is increasingly important.

    58.6%of consumers in the United States have engaged in voice search.

    This requires an emphasis on long-tail keywords, a conversational tone, and well-organized data to improve visibility in voice search outcomes.

    Moreover, the emergence of voice-driven advertising offers fresh opportunities for marketers to connect with their audience, underscoring the importance of adjusting to changing consumer search behaviors.

    Examples Of Voice Search Optimization:

    • Optimizing for Conversational Keywords: Voice search queries are often more conversational and longer than text-based searches. Integrating natural, conversational language into your website's content can help match these queries.
    • Focusing on Local SEO: Many voice searches are local in nature, like “Where is the nearest coffee shop?” Ensuring your business is listed on local directories and your website includes local keywords can improve visibility in local voice searches.
    • Improving Loading Speed: Speed is a significant factor in voice search. Websites that load quickly are more likely to be favored by search engines for voice search results.
    • Using Structured Data: Structured data (Schema markup) helps search engines understand the context and content of your website, which can be beneficial for voice search.

    Optimizing your website for voice search can expedite your page's ranking. This is due to search engines, such as Google, giving preference to websites that provide valuable content.

    The higher the relevance of your content to the target keyword, the greater your likelihood of achieving a higher ranking.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: Voice Search Optimization (VSO) is becoming increasingly important in the digital world, especially with the growing prevalence of voice-activated devices like smartphones, smart speakers, and virtual assistants.

    Trend 6: Localized Marketing And Community Engagement

    In 2024, the significance of community and neighborhood characteristics in buyers' decision-making processes will lead to a greater emphasis on localized marketing strategies.

    Localization has the potential to raise search traffic by47%, amplify website visits by70%, and improve conversion rates by20%.

    Real estate agents will increasingly focus on initiatives that forge stronger connections with local communities.

    These efforts could involve sponsoring or engaging in community events, incorporating local businesses into property listings, and producing content that showcases the distinct qualities of individual neighborhoods.

    Examples Of Localized Marketing:

    • Community Event Sponsorship: Real estate agents can sponsor local events like fairs, sports tournaments, or charity fundraisers. This not only boosts visibility but also demonstrates a commitment to the community.
    • Local Business Collaborations: Partnering with local businesses for joint marketing efforts, such as featuring them in property listings or hosting joint open house events, can create a network of local support and provide mutual benefits.
    • Neighborhood Guides: Creating detailed guides to neighborhoods, including highlights of local attractions, restaurants, parks, and schools, can help potential buyers envision living in the area.
    • Social Media Engagement: Engaging with local audiences on social media platforms by sharing community news, promoting local events, and highlighting neighborhood successes.
    A-B Trust Decision Tree

    Localization strategies include: (Click) 👈

    a. Nearshoring: This involves moving production or sourcing closer to the end market or the region where the products are consumed. Nearshoring can reduce lead times and transportation costs. 👈

    b. Dual Sourcing: Companies may source components or products from multiple suppliers within the same region or country to reduce the risk associated with relying on a single source. 👈

    c. Regional Distribution Centers: Establishing regional distribution centers can help companies respond more quickly to customer demand and disruptions, as inventory is held closer to the market. 👈

    d. Reshoring: Some companies choose to bring production back to their home countries or regions to reduce exposure to geopolitical risks and ensure greater control over the supply chain.

    Real estate professionals can attract buyers who are searching for more than just a property by highlighting the lifestyle and amenities of the area surrounding it. These buyers are interested in finding not just a house, but a home and a community.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: For real estate professionals, it's increasingly crucial to blend localized marketing with authentic engagement in the community within their strategies.

    This approach is effective not just in attracting buyers who are seeking a home but also in fostering enduring connections with the community, laying the groundwork for sustained success.

    Trend 7: Chatbots For 24/7 Customer Support

    In 2024, the paramount importance of customer support in real estate will see chatbots and AI-driven chat systems become essential features on real estate websites.

    These tools offer continuous customer service, responding to frequent queries, arranging viewings, and delivering property details even when agents are not present.

    Chatbots have a presence in approximately 17% of marketing efforts.

    This around-the-clock accessibility significantly improves the customer experience, guarantees swift replies to questions, and maintains the engagement of potential buyers with your property listings.

    Examples Of Chatbots:

    • Real Estate Information Bots: These chatbots provide detailed information about properties, including price, location, features, and more. They can answer specific questions about a property and help users navigate through listings.
    • Scheduling Assistants: These bots assist in scheduling property viewings or appointments with real estate agents. They can check availability, set up times, and send reminders to both the agent and the potential buyer.
    • Customer Service Bots: Designed to handle general inquiries, these chatbots can answer common questions about the buying or selling process, mortgage information, and even provide advice on real estate transactions.
    • Local Area Guides: These chatbots offer insights into the neighborhood, such as nearby schools, amenities, transportation options, and local market trends. They help potential buyers get a feel for the community surrounding a property.
    Styled Table

    Chatbot Use in Business

    The most common use Share of respondents
    Sales 41%
    Support 37%
    Marketing 17%
    Others 5%

    Contemplate the inclusion of a chat function on your website. Implement a floating invitation that warmly invites website visitors to receive tailored and valuable responses to their inquiries.

    Be mindful when configuring your automated replies to align with user intentions. Avoid causing frustration in potential customers prior to engaging in direct communication with them.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (15)

    Chatbots represent a new trend in how people access information, make decisions and communicate.

    Christie Pitts

    Co-Founder VCs for Repro

    Source: Reve Chat

    Pitts emphasizes the innovative nature of chatbots as a trend, suggesting that they are not just tools, but a shift in how individuals seek information, make decisions, and interact with one another.

    This viewpoint suggests that in the digital era, chatbots are increasingly becoming a core component, revolutionizing conventional approaches to communication and information handling.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: These trends indicate a future where chatbots play an even more integral role in our daily digital interactions, both in personal and professional contexts.

    Trend 8: Short-Form Video

    Short video content first gained popularity among younger audiences through platforms such as Vine and Instagram. Today, brief video clips are thriving across all age groups and demographics on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

    <a class="als" href="https://fitnessfill.com" title="Health" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Health</a> Benefits of Travel

    of marketers create their video content in-house.

    If you're not incorporating video platforms into your inbound marketing strategy for 2024, you'll miss a significant portion of your potential target audience, regardless of your industry.

    Examples Of Short-Form Video:

    • TikTok Videos: TikTok is known for its short, creative, and entertaining videos, covering a wide range of topics from dancing and lip-syncing to cooking and DIY tutorials.
    • Instagram Reels: Similar to TikTok, Instagram Reels allows users to create and share short video clips, often featuring music, special effects, and filters.
    • YouTube Shorts: YouTube's answer to short-form videos, Shorts are vertical videos of up to 60 seconds that are typically more concise and informal than traditional YouTube content.
    • Snapchat Stories: Snapchat allows users to create short video stories that disappear after 24 hours, encouraging quick and engaging updates.
    Styled Table

    Why Marketers Use Video Marketing

    Reason Share of Marketers
    Helps increase traffic 87%
    Helps increase Dwell Time 82%
    Helps increase understanding of product or service 94%
    Helps generate leads 86%
    Helps directly increase sales 81%
    Helps reduce support calls 49%
    Helps increase brand awareness 93%
    Helps generate good ROI 87%

    Video content is no longer exclusive to fashion brands and social activist groups. Lawyers, dentists, and HVAC companies are now leveraging video to promote their services.

    Video marketing has become an essential component of the inbound marketing strategies for numerous companies in 2024, so make sure it's a part of your strategy as well.

    James Wedmore's statement highlights the critical role of Short-Form Video Content in modern marketing strategies.

    As an authority in digital marketing, Wedmore's insights are particularly relevant for businesses looking to thrive in a digital landscape.

    11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (16)

    Stop thinking of video marketing as this separate entity that is optional for your business. Video is an effective form of communication that needs to be integrated into each and every aspect of your existing marketing efforts.

    James Wedmore

    Business Performance Coach

    Source: Target Video

    Wedmore emphasizes the necessity of integrating video marketing seamlessly into all areas of a business's marketing efforts.

    By doing so, he suggests that Short-Form Video is not just an optional tool, but a fundamental aspect of effective communication in the digital age.


    Trendsetters' Takeaway: Remember that the short-form video landscape is constantly evolving. Staying informed about new features and trends is essential to remaining relevant and successful in this dynamic digital space.

    Trend 9: Personalization And Customer Data Privacy

    While customers desire personalized services, they are also becoming increasingly concerned about the security and confidentiality of their data. This mirrors some of the emerging trends in entrepreneurship for 2024.

    A significant majority of adults worldwide, specifically 85%, express a desire to take additional measures to safeguard their online privacy.

    In the year 2024, businesses will face the challenge of balancing data privacy and customization. Achieving this balance will require strict compliance with evolving data protection regulations, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    Examples Of Personalization And Customer Data Privacy:

    • Personalization:
      • Ecommerce Recommendations: Online stores use previous shopping history and browsing behavior to suggest products.
      • Content Customization: Streaming services like Netflix or Spotify suggest movies, shows, or music based on past viewing or listening history.
      • Targeted Advertising: Advertisers use user data to show relevant ads based on interests, search history, or demographic information.
      • Customized News Feeds: Social media platforms tailor news feeds based on user interactions, preferences, and network connections.
      • Personalized Email Marketing: Companies send personalized emails based on customer purchase history or website engagement.
      • Customer Data Privacy:
        • Data Encryption: Encrypting data to protect it from unauthorized access.
        • Privacy Policies: Clear and transparent policies outlining how customer data is collected, used, and protected.
        • Opt-In/Opt-Out Options: Giving users the choice to opt-in or opt-out of data collection and personalization features.
        • Data Anonymization: Removing personally identifiable information from data sets.
        • Regular Security Audits: Conducting audits to ensure data protection measures are up-to-date and effective.
        • Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to data protection laws like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the EU or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) in the USA.
        Interactive Definitions

        🔐 Customer Data Privacy:

        Customer Data Privacy refers to the practices and policies aimed at protecting the personal information of customers. This includes measures to prevent unauthorized access and use of data. Key aspects include data encryptionEncrypting data to secure it from unauthorized access., privacy policiesDocuments outlining how customer data is collected, used, and protected., and compliance with regulationsAdhering to laws like GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the USA..

        Companies often use sleek, secure-looking interfaces, privacy-related buzzwords, and protective imagery to suggest robust data protection, misleading consumers into believing their personal information is safer than it actually is.

        11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (17)

        If you put a key under the mat for the cops, a burglar can find it, too. Criminals are using every technology tool at their disposal to hack into people’s accounts. If they know there’s a key hidden somewhere, they won’t stop until they find it.

        Tim Cook

        Apple’s CEO

        Source: Techopedia

        This statement underscores the risks associated with data access and storage. In the pursuit of personalization, companies collect vast amounts of data, which if not properly secured, can become vulnerable to unauthorized access and misuse.

        Companies must invest in strong data protection measures, be transparent and ethical in their data practices, and comply with the evolving landscape of privacy regulations.


        Trendsetters' Takeaway: Techniques such as data anonymization and pseudonymization are gaining popularity for securing customer data and facilitating targeted marketing strategies.

        Given the growing interest of customers in the usage of their data, it's crucial for companies to maintain transparency in their data collection and utilization methods.

        Trend 10: Content Marketing

        In 2024, content marketing will continue to be a significant force in the real estate sector, with a heightened focus on producing high-quality, informative material. Especially prominent will be video content.

        40%of successful B2B marketers document their content strategy.

        Formats like video property tours, guides to neighborhoods, real estate market updates, and introductions to agents will gain more traction on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels.

        Examples Of Content Marketing:

        • Video Property Tours: Creating immersive video tours of properties, showcasing key features and giving potential buyers a virtual walkthrough experience.
        • Neighborhood Guides: Producing videos or articles that highlight local amenities, schools, parks, and lifestyle aspects of different neighborhoods, helping buyers get a feel for the community.
        • Market Analysis Videos: Regularly updating clients with video content that analyzes current real estate market trends, price movements, and investment opportunities.
        • Blogging About Home Buying Tips: Writing informative blog posts on topics like the home buying process, mortgage advice, and home maintenance tips.
        • Agent Introduction Videos: Personalizing the buying experience with videos that introduce real estate agents, their expertise, and their approach to helping clients find their ideal home.

        Search Engine

        46% of marketers perform search engine optimization (SEO.)

        Existing Content

        42% of marketers said updating existing content boosted their content marketing value.


        53% of marketers are focusing on improving content quality.

        Publishing Content

        45% of marketers publishing more content and posting more frequently.

        Compelling video content not only grabs the attention of viewers but also fosters trust among prospective buyers.

        It enables real estate experts to effectively display properties and impart important knowledge about the market and the property purchasing procedure.


        Trendsetters' Takeaway: The latest trend in real estate content marketing is about creating authentic, informative, and engaging content that resonates with the audience, leveraging multiple platforms, and continuously adapting strategies based on data-driven insights.

        Trend 11: Social Media Marketing

        Due to their extensive user base, social media platforms are recognized as one of the foremost trends in real estate marketing.

        About57% of realtorsuse them each day.

        Social media platforms offer real estate agents the opportunity to engage with a wide-ranging audience, encompassing different age groups and geographical locations.

        This audience includes everyone from first-time homebuyers to seasoned investors.

        Additionally, the advanced targeting capabilities of social media enable the creation of tailored advertising campaigns, making it easier to reach potential buyers who are most likely to be interested in specific listings.

        Examples Of Social Media Marketing:

        • Instagram Property Showcases: Using Instagram to post high-quality images and videos of properties, including features, virtual tours, and aesthetically pleasing aspects of the home and neighborhood.
        • Facebook Live Open Houses: Hosting virtual open houses via Facebook Live, allowing potential buyers to view properties in real-time, ask questions, and get immediate responses, broadening the reach beyond local prospects.
        • Pinterest Boards for Home Inspiration: Creating Pinterest boards with home decor ideas, staging tips, and neighborhood highlights. This can attract individuals seeking inspiration for their next home purchase.
        • Twitter Market Updates: Regularly tweeting about real estate trends, market statistics, and new listings to keep followers informed and engaged with up-to-date industry information.
        • LinkedIn Articles for Market Insights: Publishing in-depth articles on LinkedIn about real estate investment, market analysis, and professional advice, targeting a more business-oriented audience.
        Top Social Media Users Chart 2023
        Top Social Media Platforms

        With automated social media marketing, you have the capability to prepare posts well ahead of time and set them to go live on predetermined dates and times.

        By streamlining your social media marketing efforts through automation, you can free up valuable time for your business, allowing you to direct your attention to other critical tasks and projects.

        11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (18)

        Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence.

        Sean Gardner

        Social Media Strategist

        Source: LinkedIn

        Effective social media marketing heavily relies on content distribution, as it broadens audience reach, enhances engagement, supports SEO effectiveness, and allows businesses to assess the impact and success of their marketing strategies.


        Trendsetters' Takeaway: Social media marketing is not just about saving time; it's about enhancing the effectiveness and impact of social media strategies.

        As we move further into the digital age, embracing these tools is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses looking to stay ahead in the digital marketing landscape.


        How is technology impacting real estate marketing in 2024?

        Advanced technologies like VR/AR and AI are revolutionizing how properties are showcased and marketed, offering more interactive and personalized experiences for buyers.

        What role does social media play in real estate marketing in 2024?

        Social media has become a pivotal tool for real estate marketing, with platforms like Instagram and TikTok being used for virtual tours, live Q&As, and influencer collaborations to reach wider audiences.

        How important are sustainable and eco-friendly features in real estate marketing?

        Very important. There's a growing trend towards eco-conscious living, making sustainable features a key selling point in real estate marketing.

        Is content marketing still relevant for real estate in 2024?

        Absolutely. Engaging and informative content, such as blogs, videos, and infographics, continues to be a crucial part of attracting and educating potential buyers.

        Future Insights

        The real estate market may seem topsy-turvy. You may face moments of uncertainty and high competition. That’s where the power of marketing strategies comes in.

        But simply putting yourself out there isn’t enough. To stand out in the real estate market, you need to build trust and credibility. You also need to create convenient and innovative customer experiences.

        Overall, your foundation should include a mix of online marketing, technology, and data collection. If you’re new to real estate, these 2024 real estate marketing trends can serve. If you’re a seasoned real estate marketer, consider using them to upgrade your strategy.

        Continue Learning About The Latest Trends With These Reads

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        11 Real Estate Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2024 (2024)


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        Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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        Author information

        Name: Moshe Kshlerin

        Birthday: 1994-01-25

        Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

        Phone: +2424755286529

        Job: District Education Designer

        Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

        Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.